Hey 1 Year Linux Challengers!
We thought about an idea.
What we'd love to see is for everyone who's taken the 1 Year Linux Challenge and passed a year, or is close to doing so (Or if you've been using Linux for years and want to join in as well), is to make a new blog post and talk about your experience on Linux. (put it in the blog category and tag it with 1-year-linux, and link it here)
The more detail the better!
Tell us about the distro you used/are using. What hardware your using it on. How much your using it. What its replaced for you if anything. Challenges, problems, the good and bad.
Tell us about how you got on, did you get help? How? Who helped, how did you solve your problems.
Whats better on Linux than your other OS'. How has it changed over a year. Your favourite distro, favourite DE, favourite people, and things you've learned about Linux over your challenge.
You get the idea, we want to know it all and the more detail the better! I'd love to see some thought and detail so that others can see how peoples experiences are with Linux.
There may even be a little token of appreciation for those who've done the challenge and posted a nice thought out blog about it.
And if your currently doing the challenge.. I'd encourage you to make a blog post and keep it up to date with your Linux adventure.
(if you know one of the Linux challengers, pass this on to them. I don't want to mass message them all :P)
List of Contemplations
- Life in Linux - @Goalkeeper
- Linux, the Universe, and Everything - @Zippy_Parmesian
- LordDoctors Linux Insights - @LordDoctors
- So far on my 1-year Linux Challenge - @Smerrills
- Linux Challenge: Extreme Edition – Creating a secure desktop for a working journalist atop FreeBSD - @tkoham
- Linux challenge: Completed and Thoughts - @Blanger