[Official] Devember 2021, Welcome!

Forum post: [Devember2021] Brewing Stats Server - #10 by nestleToiletWater

My Devember project is to upgrade my homebrew heating control system from hard coded single python script that requires many SSH jumps to get the stats on, to an interactive front end website that the back end scripts take instructions from and post data to.


My idea is a telegram bot that notifies you of congress critter stock trades.



I’m a full time student so the odds of this getting done are high, but the odds of it getting done in state that’s safe for deployment are low. But here’s my post where I’m trying to make a restaurant client app for tastyigniter.
Here’s my forum post


The Pelosi ETF?


Hello, I’ve been a follower of Wendell and crew for 8 years, but now joining the forums. I’m pretty distracted by New World, but I’ll try to power through some projects. I’m not allowed to post links, but I created my topic for Devember.


The Devember 2021 project I am planning on working on is enhancing a watchers experience from a cast by capturing information and showing statistics based on this thus also enable talking point for casters.


My Devember Idea: an easy to use, cheap (ideally free), loyalty scheme system for small businesses, has been brewing for a bit and was the first thing I could think of that made sense.

There’s a fun Infrastructure-as-Code element which will be my personal favourite bit to work on. Encouragement/stretch goals/criticisms/harassment welcome :ok_hand:


My Devember project is to create a smart grocery list app. My goals for this project is to create an Angular app that connects to a web api (written in Rust) that will predict what items you will buy based on previous grocery lists. By the end of Devember I’m hoping to learn and be comfortable writing Rust programs along with experimenting with different prediction algorithms. You can follow my progress on my thread.



Forum post: thread

Hi all! I’m making an online tool to automatically perform some simple video editing functions. I’m using the Golem network distributed supercomputer for the heavy backend video processing. (sorry linode, I’ll still host the front end with you!)


Still working on main post but I set up a CI/CD pipeline today for it in my infrastructure. :slight_smile:

Quite proud of myself. When I push code, it compiles, lints, then deploys to my local web servers.


It’s about time I went ahead and actually learned me something more complex. Some buddies of mine built a tabletop RPG, and cooked up a Google Sheets character generator. It… works, but it’s quirky. And they deserve better.

So I’mma make a nice one. I’ve started to learn my way around the JS that I’ll need to make it just work in a browser. And… I need to write up a real plan, that’s what I’ve got to do first.


My first Devember! The final goal is to create a sorting program while learning python and machine learning stuff.


Forum Link: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/developing-a-useful-lunch-time-recipe-rating-app-grocery-order-bot/178095

I am trying to develop a smart lunch recipe bot to make predictions on what my teenagers might be willing to try.

I am really writing this app to help me learn more about modeling and AI. I have BS in Computer Science, but I am working on bushing up on my skills. Last few years I have been really focus on the kids and work, looking to bush up my development skills with mobile apps.


Forum Page
I heard you like Risc, so I put risk in your Risc…

Here I attempt to “get good” at C/SV/Linux for a change.

What I am doing:

  • Create custom Risc-V Emulator >> Hardware.
  • Dynamically cluster Risc cores as an user instance.
  • Good instance accessibility, probably over IP.
  • Having fun!!



Forum post: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/devember-2021-what-to-watchlist/

Goal: Combine services from “The Movie DB” and “Privacy.com” to make a service I’ve wanted to see for too long.

Updating Linode server with progress weekly what2watchlist.com:3000 just pushed a good update.

I’m a developer who intends to be productive but has been down too many youtube rabbit holes during covid.


Here is my devember project. I aim to create terminal graph visualizer and editor(simply draw.io but in console).

And here is my first update demo


My Devember project is a continuation of last years Devember project

I am essentially making/rewriting a CPU Simulating Engine, most of the changes will be ‘under the hood’ (less duct tape), get some core features working (IE performance statistics), and have documentation, lots of documentation.

(also trying a different direction with updates this year, wanting to include some more details on how it works, and why I made design decisions)

Github: Book-of-Algorithms/CPUsimulator.py at master · Medic5700/Book-of-Algorithms · GitHub
Forum Link: [Devember 2021] CPU Simulating Engine (a rewrite from last Devember)
Last Years Forum Link: A CPU simulator where you program the instruction set


My project is an open source forum server that generates requested files server side in order to use as little bandwidth and javascript as possible. Kind of like discourse but as fast as possible while minimizing bloat.

Some stupid napkin math : Hamlet has a word count of 30,557. Assuming a generous 2 bytes per character with an average world length of 7 ( again, generous ) its about 427798 bytes or around 427KB. Do websites really need to send the equivalent of shakespeare’s hamlet several times over just to load up a few comments? Just this page has been at least 4MB. /rant

The main goal is to get a viable forum server I can use by around January-Feburary as I will have to setup a forum at around that time. It would be really great If I could use my own software to do that :slight_smile:.


I’m going to start a project in the spirit of Devember, but I know it won’t be finished for the devember rulings.

I want to automate deploying centreon for monitoring Linux servers.

Deploy vm from iso
See if it’s possible to automate the stuff normally done in webgui.
Automate/script adding new clients.