Hello Level 1 forums. I have been a long time reader/fan of the channel, but this is my first time posting. I have decided to join Devemeber this year as way for me to take on some new learning. For my project I plan to create a simple grocery list web application. As users create lists I want to be able analyze previous data and make suggestions using some machine learning techniques.
I currently have 3 years of .NET and Angular development experience with my current job and I’m looking to expand my programming knowledge. So for my project I will be writing the back-end API in Rust and the client application using Angular. I also want to take some time to learn how deploy and host applications on Linode as I’m new there as well.
I’m currently planning to create weekly post with goals and user stories. I’m hoping this will allow me to provide better updates and take a kind of agile approach to development.
I’m excited to get started and hope to get some good suggestions/feedback as I learn new technologies. I will provide a link to my git repository as soon I have everything setup.
Devember Goals:
- Learn Rust programming
- Learn machine learning algorithms
- Learn the basics of Linode
- Have a working program by the end of Devember
Technology Used
- Angular (Front-end framework)
- Angular Material Components (Styling framework)
- Rust (Back-end programming language)
- Rocket (Web framework for Rust)
- Diesel (ORM for Rust)
- MySql (Database)
Week 1 Goals
- Create a Git Repository
- Setup a development environment in Linode
- Create some sort CI/CD pipeline so that my development environment is always up to date
- Setup a basic version of the web application (just simple html no API calls yet)