Let’s start at the beginning. I’m a disabled veteran. Medically retired and at 38 I need something to keep busy. I love to learn, as long as its a topic I like, and well technology is something I like. I grew up around it as my father worked for Burroughs/Unisys most of his work life. He also worked at Oracle and Sun Microsystems a while too doing… you guessed it managing Lvl 1 tech support groups at the end. He used to deal with design and matinance of servers, he kinda did it all from the ground up learning electronics. Me working on this has brought alot back to my father who is getting up there, and gave us something to bond over.
My general Idea was to create a VM box to learn in and apply some of my readings such as “Linux Bible” 10th edition, “How Linux Works”, and “The Linux Command Line.” I’m trying to create a near enterprise level enviornment to learn in. The goal being to possibly get some certs maybe do some IT stuff from home or maybe a small computer shop to keep busy. (1-its hard to get out, 2-I do have a brain injury so learning is a little tough, 3-have some physical limitations)
I have already gotten to a point with windows where everything is easy or plug and play then mess with settings or regedit etc. I started with gaming, moved on to doing over clocking with intel and nvidia GPU’s, then applying my skills as a ASE certified mechanic for 10 years to apply water cooling to my PC’s and messed around with close to 15 builds from soft tube to hardline. First ATX sized builds in mid towers to applying it itx builds.
Now I look forward to a new challenge as I have finished my degree in College care of my GI Bill (it was psychology-thought it might be useful…sadly…no) and as I now have 4 computers (I dont need to build any more right now my wallet hurts lol) of which I need to sell a few, I’ve decided Linux, proxmox, and working with “some” server garde parts would be a fun project.
So here we go… (I will add as I go)
Also on a side not I blame @wendell for his video with GN for this …
Yes, I changed the annoying super bright BLUE light Fractal loves to a RED led. The white disk led indicator that for some reason shines out the bottom I left untouched for now. The hope is to integrate a server type led panel that can hook up to my SAS controller and motherboard to display data like dive indicators etc. I have not mound a module like that yet as Im not sure what its called. I may have to buy a cheap server I can see locally to see if its panel may work then do a custom cutout and mount on the front of the case.