Steam Play: Windows Games on Linux (Proton Discussion)

I’m going to say that the CPU is probably not the issue. I have never really heard of AMD CPU’s causing compatibility issues like this. But it could be GPU or GPU driver related? Maybe? I’m just taking guesses.

I had two nvidia drivers on my ubuntu installation, so i deleted both and installed only one.

Have you checked out the quick start guide?

Maybe there is something here that can be useful?

I tired that, i have installed my drivers as that documentation says and deleted the old one. Btw, there is separate topic for this.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Windows Games on Steam for Linux. [Proton client Testing grounds]

Imo for Linux gaming to be taken seriously it need to be plug and play if the game isn’t plug and play it’s not working in my book. Think of the average windows gamer the “I wanna game” gamer , any level of work beyond buying a game and clicking install means the game doesn’t work out of the box. For us that’s a fun challenge but that’s not what steam is looking for from proton they want to distance themselves from windows (more gaben).

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Thats why proton is in beta. And proton is supposed to be plug and play with the whitelisted games

The windows gaming people will migrate themselves when they feel its time. For now lets focus on prepping the road for the journey here


thats still not enough to call it a linux gaming win its all or nothing for linux to be taken seriously in gaming . i want this just as much as anyone here. work around outside of proton need to be sent in to steam to give the devs some more info. once proton is out of beta it needs to support ALL games or all the work we did here was for nothing. imo i will keep testing and such i just have a hope for my idealistic win for linux.

You realise what you’re asking is just ridiculous?

That you can run some Windows games in Linux is great enough, you’re saying it’s all or nothing. support all the games that were never made for Linux 100% without issues or it’s pointless.

That’s ridiculous. That attitude is the issue, not that some Windows games don’t work in linux.


but its the truth, i love that games now work on linux that never did before but that doesn’t make this a linux golden age. its better then before but not enough to say linux gaming is ever going to be taken serious all it means is steam did the work for the devs. thats not a solution thats a band aid.

it’s going to take years and hundreds of devs and thousand of people helping with community involvement. There are several huge hurdles to jump before there is even a relatively even playing field…

i think you might be looking at this the wrong way.


enlighten me? i am open to this. what am i missing?

I feel this discussion is pointless. Steam Proton is beta and we are testing non whitelisted games to hopefully make the platform better. Nobody here cares about getting his hands dirty.

You should point that out in that other thread.

since when? Linux gaming is already fantastic compared to even a few years ago. We have managed to get to the point of both linux AND windows games working on the same operating system.

Proton will never leave properly leave beta. More work will always need to be done to fix the game breaking bugs and the never ending dev hell that is writing a compatibility layer for windows based operating system.

Thats complete bullshit. There is nothing stopping devs from releasing a linux port or even just tuning their windows build to play a bit nicer with proton. If the performance and play ability is the same then what difference does it make?

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im done with my idealistic on this i gave my opinion which is a opinion. i support linux and open free user experience but half or incomplete measures will keep linux the minority and left out.

do you think just because steam makes a dx wraper more games will come to linux. no that means the devs do not need to code for linux and let the community do it thats not a solution that is giving them a free pass to do that.

done with my idealism.

Can we not trash the thread up pls. There is already a topic for this kind of discussion.



This is what EVE does. Rather than port the whole thing which would be ridiculous they just tweaked it to work nicely with wine.

I think your mindset on this might be looking in the completely wrong direction. Your replies don’t make much sense, it almost seems like your trying to say two different things to the point where I don’t even know what point your trying to get across.

proton/wine has been around for a long time. Steam just makes it easier to use now. Some games make use of it really well without needing to post complex code to a system that barely registers on the worth it scale. Add a plus onto that that proton will mark the game as Linux when played (correct me if I’m wrong) and it gives dives and insight into who’s using their game on what platform.

That data can change minds for the devs who see that a native port will benefit them. But proton/wine is going to be a good choice for other games, old game which are not longer in development, complex games that can’t easily or affordably be ported (eve for example).

A moment ago you said all games using proton need to work 100%, now your saying proton is bad. maybe it’s worth looking at what your position is and all the moving parts involved? its not as simple as a or b.


Oh, if there is I’ll move the relevant posts there.


@misterk81 I tweaked the title slightly, hope that’s alright.


i did not state it was bad i stated it gives devs no reason to code for linux if they know someone is going to do the work for them for free and still means they get the same customer base. humans are lazy if you know there is a group doing that work and if leads to bugs you can deny that its your fault. i love what proton is doing i love how steam is making games work. but it does not mean 1:1 for the game nor the overall market shift.