[Official] Devember 2021, Welcome!

:fire: Hype

It’s almost that magical time of year again! No, not Xmas :christmas_tree: . Although, just as magical. :wink:

I’m talking about Devember .

Okay, so it’s not remotely Devember yet, but 2021 has been weird. Like 2020.

We’re also sponsored by Linode to bring you some free stuff! That’ll run out juuuuuust about when Devember is over.



Linode, in particular, is doing a new approach with their marketing. They are building a genuinely useful resource for learning, which I love. Unlike AWS tutorials, where you get shackled to AWS automation, you don’t really get the same “Linode Beergoggles” when you learn from this resource:

With AWS, it’s not really until later that you’ve got a lot more experience that you’re comfortable with other services. There is a time and place for AWS, but imho the best way to leverage cloud service sis like what Troy Hunt does which is leverage each service against every other service to minimize costs. It’s really brilliant. I digress…

I’ve been doing this Devember stuff for like 5+ years now. It started small, but we had tons of participants last year. It’s great fun, and I’ve met a lot of cool devs along the way (hat tip mods et al, you know who you are). A lot of the time I hear about paying work, students getting jobs because of our help with their “github profiles” (and whatnot – you get hte idea). Some of you have gone on to great things, won awards, etc.

This year we’re doing Devember through the end of the year, and I’m going to do at least a couple videos on what everyone is working on. Work-from-home is here to say, and the skills you build in Devember have never been more in demand. School semesters are ending early, people are bored. It just feels right. I had planned to do this even without Linode, but they’re basically giving away free trials for all your cloud space projects. Do you use Amazon AWS or Azure for work stuff? You might be surprised how expensive those alternatives really are! :smiley:

In a word, Devember is a challenge . One that you impose upon yourself; to code for one hour each and every day in the month of December. You do this for the sake of the pursuit of knowledge.

The challenge is pretty open. You can decide for yourself what you wish to do: learn a new language, learn a new stack, develop an ambitious project, continue from a previous project, or just have a little fun.

:thought_balloon: Suggestions

To be frank, it’s unrealistic to code for a solid hour straight if you do not have a plan. That is why I suggest everyone either does the agile method of development or spend the first few days formulating a plan and then spend the rest of that time executing that plan.

From past years’ challenges, we have learned a lot. One thing I’ll share is that people live busy lives and may not be able to fully commit. We totally understand that life can get in the way of things, however, we don’t want that to discourage you. Any effort, no matter how small, towards a goal is net positive progress.

:balance_scale: Rules

If you would like to sign up for this challenge, simply make a thread with the tag, devember2021 – The thread can be either under blog or code.

Next, reply here with a link to that post. Tell us a little about you, and your idea or project. Link to your git account or test site (or don’t, if you don’t want to).

If you just signed up, we might need to bump your ability to create new posts in blog/code. If that happens just reply here, and we’ll help.

When you reply, try to make a 1 line statement about your objective, such as this example:

My Devember project is to learn the Go language by creating or adapting a CMS back-end that’s compatible with a React frontend and is compatible with Wordpress’ Gutenberg editor.

My other Devember project is that IoT thing I talked bout on Patreon a while back…

PLEASE also tag your project devember2021

:thinking: Ideas

If you need some ideas, please feel free to ask. Technically we’re getting started on Devember a little early this year. Usually you commit to doing at least an hour a day, but I think we can be flexible. You can just ask in a reply here. Once you’re all set use the EDIT function to try to keep this thread clean.

:medal_sports: Perks

If you complete this challenge then you get a shiny new badge, the Devember Badge!

:hammer_and_wrench: Happy coding!

:wrench: Helpful Stuff

Useful tutorials on most of the languages.


Happy coding! :heart:

… don’t feel like doing work stuff? We also have a Minecraft contest going for roughly the same time period, linked over here.


What Devember entries have we got so far? So glad you asked!



Forum post: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/devember-2021-picture-converter-for-mks-tft/

I’m just a cs student.
I started super early because I’ll have a pile of assignments during November/December.
The project is almost complete.

I’m still refactoring the code and I have to add documentation.

My Devember project was to learn more about the C language and binary file analysis by creating a picture converter for MKS-TFT.

I ended up creating a general purpose tool that converts between BMP565 pictures and RGB565 pixmaps, along with a bmp library.
I had a lot of fun writing the parsers and writers.


My project thread

I am writing and sharing my tools for using Linux as a blind/visually impaired person.


My Project post

Control Center - A MSP client management tool/ DB for managing processes, access information, passwords, guide and know-how.


My forum post: Flexible fitness logger that works

Started this project slightly early but didn’t make the thread until now; trying to balance it amongst my day job and life. I’m hoping to at least get close to my mvp ;-;

Will try to start giving periodic updates to whats going on with development.


My project for this devember is a Punch Clock web application.

I already started working on it a few weeks ago, my project thread is here.

The goal is to build an app with a very simple interface for clocking in and out of various activities in my daily life, and then to be able to review how I spend my time.

I’m also implementing a system for tracking time-based goals (eg. average one hour of reading a day), and interface for reviewing how well I’m meeting them.

I see this devember as an opportunity to build a tool which will be actually useful to me on a daily basis and to experiment with technologies I don’t get to play around at work (clojure, htmx), and in general, to gain experience in full-stack development.

You can find more detail about the motivation, prior work and what I’m building in the thread.


I want to make a program for the PinePhone that lets me keep score when running archery trails. I expect to learn some GUI framework and whichever language allows me to work with that framework easily, which probably means C or C++.

Thread: Devember 2021 - 3D Archery counter for the PinePhone

Question: Are we supposed to do this during December or start somewhen from now on and work on it for a month?


Forum post: [Devember2021] Brewing Stats Server - #10 by nestleToiletWater

My Devember project is to upgrade my homebrew heating control system from hard coded single python script that requires many SSH jumps to get the stats on, to an interactive front end website that the back end scripts take instructions from and post data to.


My idea is a telegram bot that notifies you of congress critter stock trades.



I’m a full time student so the odds of this getting done are high, but the odds of it getting done in state that’s safe for deployment are low. But here’s my post where I’m trying to make a restaurant client app for tastyigniter.
Here’s my forum post


The Pelosi ETF?


Hello, I’ve been a follower of Wendell and crew for 8 years, but now joining the forums. I’m pretty distracted by New World, but I’ll try to power through some projects. I’m not allowed to post links, but I created my topic for Devember.


The Devember 2021 project I am planning on working on is enhancing a watchers experience from a cast by capturing information and showing statistics based on this thus also enable talking point for casters.


My Devember Idea: an easy to use, cheap (ideally free), loyalty scheme system for small businesses, has been brewing for a bit and was the first thing I could think of that made sense.

There’s a fun Infrastructure-as-Code element which will be my personal favourite bit to work on. Encouragement/stretch goals/criticisms/harassment welcome :ok_hand:


My Devember project is to create a smart grocery list app. My goals for this project is to create an Angular app that connects to a web api (written in Rust) that will predict what items you will buy based on previous grocery lists. By the end of Devember I’m hoping to learn and be comfortable writing Rust programs along with experimenting with different prediction algorithms. You can follow my progress on my thread.



Forum post: thread

Hi all! I’m making an online tool to automatically perform some simple video editing functions. I’m using the Golem network distributed supercomputer for the heavy backend video processing. (sorry linode, I’ll still host the front end with you!)


Still working on main post but I set up a CI/CD pipeline today for it in my infrastructure. :slight_smile:

Quite proud of myself. When I push code, it compiles, lints, then deploys to my local web servers.


It’s about time I went ahead and actually learned me something more complex. Some buddies of mine built a tabletop RPG, and cooked up a Google Sheets character generator. It… works, but it’s quirky. And they deserve better.

So I’mma make a nice one. I’ve started to learn my way around the JS that I’ll need to make it just work in a browser. And… I need to write up a real plan, that’s what I’ve got to do first.