So a bit about myself… I have been building computers and pc gaming for 20 years. I am turning 30 and so that means I got into computers and games when I was super young. I am a child of the internet and social media. Lately I have been enjoying my 5 acres of woods (spending time outside).
I have 6 systems in my lab. 2 x proxmox, 1 x true nas build, and my parents pc that I help with upkeep on. I self host various programs (more on that in later posts).
I will use this to share my experience in self hosting, foss, and adventures throughout my lab and family networks. I will also be regularly posting video clips and pictures of my doggos, cats, and turtle.
I am also going to post my reviews on film, shows, books, and whatever else I watch/read/listen to.
Anyways, feel free to say hello and don’t feel the need to lurk if you see something I post about that interests you.
I re watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 this evening. I love comics and have heard some of them have gone down hill since Endgame. Well I can tell you James Gunn (director of GotG, creator of Peacemaker & The Suicide Squad [not 2016 one], and many other good films and shows…But most importantly now head of DC Studios)
He is known as a writer and director that uses comedy, feelings, and deep meaning with family ties/bonds. He always adds a unique touch with the music he chooses to display in his work.
Guardians is more or less a comedy with actually impactful messages. It is about the family that gives you birth and family that you choose. Peter’s dad that he sought his entire life was also seeking him. The thing he comes to realize is maybe meeting your biological father for an adoptive son is not the best thing to have happen. Maybe it is the opposite of good. A tragedy. A travesty. Peter had despairing thoughts on going with his bio dad, but his friend/love interest Gamora tells him to give his dad a chance. But inevitably he realizes his adoptive father is a better father than his biological one ever could.
I really enjoy Gunn’s work. They almost always cover something problematic. Whether it is family and abuse, neglect and the affect it has on the child in question. Or how you not always have to live with the family you started with. One of friends, one of your choosing. Either way Guardian’s made me laugh, get teary and all the while hearing/watching something that makes me feel like a kid again.
No matter how much the world continues to spiral downward, I have found television, youtube, and cinema as an escape from depression and anxiety.
Guardians provided this escape for a momentary time. All the while teaching me how to feel about being an adoptive child myself. Do I still want to know my biological parents. I love my family despite their faults as is. No need to risk ruining what is left of my fragile mindset if I do not have to.
Have any of you seen any of James’ Gunn’s work? If yes, what does it teach you? How do you feel? If no… What in the heck are you doing?
Walker S01-S02
American Gods S01-S02
Superman and Lois S01-S02
Avatar The Last AIr Bender Complete Series
Legends of Tomorrow the Final Season
Supergirl The Final Season
UHD Bluray of Complete Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth… @kreestuh this one was for you!
I had not bought blurays for a hot minute. I have others on the way. Been over half a year. Time to get ripping!
You will command from the Internet which disk to load, grab data from the hdmi input on the pc and transcode, and with the help of a remote finger and a few scripts you will make a remote control for changing the disk.
Less $ spent on rip storage…
The thing is i alone have 400+ movies and easily a 1000 ot more disks for shows. I also am the cloud storage for my family. Each family member has 20tb of next cloud. I have 360tb of nas storage now. In an addict of data hoarding.
On a different note, what if one day the whole NAS goes bye bye… do you have a backup?
Personally, I’d be #$%^&* if I lost a multi-TB data collection. It would take a long time to recreate it or even be abandoned.
Personally, I don’t back up non-essential data on my NAS, and in the event of a loss, it’s not a problem for me to rebuild with reasonable time and effort, but my NAS is a miniature and isn’t even in the same galaxy as yours.
Having a large NAS is nice, having a large collection is also nice, but I wouldn’t want to rebuild the collection in the event of a total F. For this or I can afford two 1PT NAS and if not, I give up creating a large collection and settle for a small NAS .
If it were to die. I am betting 1 drive as I dont buy drives at the same time and same place. So chances are all failing at once. I have 3, so even if one is down the other 2 are not. I am planning on building a fourth. And running recertified drives is a risk, but substantially cheaper. I have yet had any fail. Going on 5 years (oldest drives). I buy maybe one hdd a month and save them until I have 8 to 10 of them. Then I build a new nas. I also shuck a lot. Only drives I have had fail are the ones that got knocked off (my backup external drives). I know it is pricey but I also have family members that it is easier to go to my website for jellyfin than it is to run scripts and what not. Also sync play of jellyfin makes it so i can do a watch party with say my sister or brother and we can facetime.
So I had most of my stuff ripped a year ago. Then I happened to be drinking. Deleted my library. Couldn’t recover it. Had to rip from scratch. In some cases i have a program that records my vudu library (digital copies) if it wasn’t my favorite media. But it is what it is. Screw ups happen. I am my own worse enemy.
I am trying to figure out how to integrate twitch into jellyfin. @Dynamic_Gravity any ideas? I would like to route livestreams to jellyfin from youtube and twitch.