Welcome to Level1 Devember!

Yeah one of my friends in another online community told me as such… he’s a network engineer too, so I trust him. He’s why I decided to go ahead with my plan.


Wow I’m way down here. Some cool ideas above me to be sure, can’t wait to see 'em :sunglasses:

I'm finna make Tier-Zoo in Django

Love his videos, his website is garbo, but the concept is great so yeah starting that today maybe, will host on le-node.

This is a placeholder 'till then, I’ll be back! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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oh man this is so fun!



I didn’t realize how motivating this type of challenge would be for me. What a great format.


I’ve been struggling with “learning to code” for the whole 2020, now I’m coding everyday and enjoying the heck out of it

it was fairly unexpected and I’m in love with css


It’s always great when you find something that naturally fits into the way you frame things.


I need to update my thread, I’ve done a bunch of stuff lol.


I should probably get back on it huh?


See my update in our chat


I hear the L1 team talking a lot about prizes and videos and winners and stuff - but I am having a hard time finding the info on any of this.

Does anyone know if there’s a competition associated with Devember in some way?

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So here is the link to my blog post (okay I guess I am not allowed to post links since I am so new??). It is one of my first python projects since learning the code and it is a way to tell Jeff Bezos that he sucks.

I am 22 years old, relatively new to the channel and brand new to the community. I hope you guys find this humorous and interesting.

I left all of this mostly the same but I guess the actual post has been tagged. Let me know if there is a way that I can post my link if that is absolutely required to submit into devemeber.
Happy Devember!


Hi there!
I made a file rename utility for Linux using Python and GTK + Glade. Thanks to Devember for getting me motivated to learn GTK + Glade and produce something that I personally find useful.


It’s a devember minecraft server

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Hi All! Thank you LVL1 for this Linode Credits, has help so much.
I now have a Server running SSH access only, VPN so I can access my home network (another linux server) from anywhere, created Coturn server for testing software, playing with SQL security and developing a Teamviewer custom hosting/server platform.

I also run a small IT business as a day job.

Happy coding!

Just a problem I’ve encoutered, nginx running dotnet app trouble, nodes keep dropping connection, restarting nginx get some, at random none or all. Don’t worry I’ll probably have to do some re-coding of dotnet or break out a docker.

Keep it Level 1!



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Wish I could find time for the Minecraft server, too many things to do before people start back to work. Independant IT operator like myself needs to have good, trustworthy tools.

Found MeshCentral on Github, great work which I am impressed with the code. Looking to add some functionality to it, as a pet project.

I’m so glad Level 1 put me on to Linode, I am going to about €500 next year in operational costs.

Soon as I start making money, I throw some meshcommander teams way.

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My Devember project isn’t exactly using any web technologies, but can I still take part?

If yes, my project is PACT.
PACT stands for Process Affinity Control Tool .
It’s a tool that allows you to section off different processes in to different cores/threads on your CPU automagically.

Here is the forum post for more info:

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Of course it can. Devember is about doing!

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I got this done:

Managed to get grafana running with influxdb and mongodb exporter, For the production https://keyb.io site. Still hoping to get mongodb queries added but the only project that can do it is not dockerized but I might take over the repo and fix it up.

Some of the grafana screens below, the big one is the AWS billing one :grimacing: I have fixed some of the server sizes and downscaled on dedicated gateways. So hopefully next month it will be cheaper by more than half.

I am still working on actually moving keyb.io from aws ecs to k8s as the pricing has not been any better this month :frowning:


Created a site to keep up on Tech Leaks for my Devember project. I needed the practice, constructive advice is appreciated.


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