Apologies in advance, Linode is still opening my email port so hopefully my email notifications works, please message me or email me if you have issues. Also I know I really need to post a lot more news on it to really show how the site works.
www.leakerrank.com (DNS is still catching up, still in that 48 hour window, try if not working)
This site helps to bring together the many sources across the net to for one-stop news on tech leaks. Here you can follow most recent leaks, a particular leaker, or even your favorite reporting media source.
-newest leaks are shown in New Leaks link
-click on a leakers name to see all of their recent leaks
-click on a reporting source’s name to see their recently reported leaks
-click on leaker’s source URL to go to the leak’s origin URL
-click on reporting source’s URL so see where this was first seen by the person posting it
-click validate to verify a leak as correct or incorrect
-Top Leakers link show as list of top leaker’s order by accuracy
-Report Leak link allows users to post newly found leaks
This was good practice so your constructive advice is appreciated.