Welcome to Level1 Devember!

Devember forum badges should be all handed out now.

Let me know if you are missing yours, it’s possible someone was missed.

Also, the prize pool has been (partially) announced:



The Judgening IS UPON US!

Last call to get any final changes/updates in, make sure your links are good, or update your post to better describe. Bonus points if you give us an update of where you are now in your project with something like

Edit: January 6, 2021 – I got this done __________ … I am still working on ___________ Because OBVIOUSLY a programmer’s work is never done.

as an edit toward the end of your previous devember post.

It’s okay if you aren’t totally done. We are looking for you having done a lot of work, obviously, but we understand not everything will be perfect necessarily.

Good luck everyone! And thanks for participating!!! Y’all rock these projects are MIND BLOWING. We have the best audience ever :smiley:

Final Judgeninging is happening this Friday/Over the weekend, and winners will begin to be announced next week.

Remember, one of the big prizes up here are the Linode hosting Credits, but some of the hardware prizes are pretty killer too.

Big thanks to Linode for making this happen!


Late posting! I missed Devember- Presenting Jobless January! Building a 10-100w distributed arm based transcode cluster

TLDR; I’m a student, so missed devember (:sob:) and with the current world situation, I lost the job I use to pay for being a student (:disappointed:). All this to say I have more time on my hands than I expected, so time to update my lab and learn something new! So let’s build a distributed, load balanced multimedia processing cluster that teaches me: Cuda, ffmpeg, aarch64, nodeJS/kubernetes, distributed computing optimization and how to manage a large project

The thread documenting my progress is over here: I missed Devember- Presenting Jobless January! Building a 10-100w distributed arm based transcode cluster

And the repository tracking everything is over here!

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Here is a project that I started for devember; A vampire number generator. Unfortunately it took a little longer to reach a good enough state, but I kept developing and improving it and currently it’s the fastest implementation I have come across: