Welcome to the Sysadmin Megathread
If you are a sysadmin or are interested in systems administration, this is the place for you. All are welcome, from homelab-hobbyist to senior security analyst.
Come here to talk about your work as a sysadmin, bounce ideas off other sysadmins, post sysadmin memes and generally talk shop. While this thread is in the Software & Operating Systems category, discussing related topics, like hardware, is completely fine.
This is a mega-thread so the scope of discussion is broad and platform-agnostic. Intel, ARM, AMD, Nvidia, Linux, Windows, BSD, macOS, etc. all fall under our aegis, and ideological loyalty to one over another is the mark of an amateur. The reality is that they are all equally worthless without our oversight.
This thread is not a help-desk. If you have a specific technical question or issue, start a separate thread or use one of the small problem threads. Most of us here monitor forum categories that correspond to our expertise, but if you have trouble getting quality responses, posting a link to your help desk thread/post here is acceptable.
Troubleshooting may emerge naturally in conversation which is fine. If it begins to dominate the thread, flag it or ask a leader or mod to split it into its own thread.
Small Problem Threads
Other Thoughts
Up to this point, a lot of high-quality sysadmin discussion occurred privately between leaders and mods. This wasn’t intentional, but was simply the side-effect of having a lot of knowledgeable people in those positions. We acknowledge that it is much better if these discussions are open to the forum, and that is the ultimate purpose of this thread.