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What can’t you tweak? The UI or backend stuff? I’d definitely need to change the frontend for design/branding like the squarespace.

There’s a templating engine and you can build your own templates, but articles have to fall in fairly strict format restrictions.

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Do I even need /boot if I’m using systemd-boot? Seems like everything is in the esp…

nvm, there’s some stuff in there

Quick plug for @marelooke’s blog. Very interesting things there. I find myself wanting to comment but it’s all over my head so I don’t know what to say.


my /boot is the ESP. I keep the kernel and initrd on it, just make it like 350MB+

So, for my EFI-only systems, I do this:

/dev/sda2     /           ext4     default,noatime 0 0
/dev/sda1     /boot       xfat     default 0 0

Or so.


Are you using systemd-boot? ESP on /boot is recommended in the arch wiki, but you can do it a couple ways. I ended up switching to grub because I want encrypted vmlinuz which isn’t possible with anything else afaik. In the future I might go for secureboot but felt like I was already taking on a lot for my first arch attempt.

Before that I kind of want to try using dracut instead of mkinitcpio just because everything else uses dracut…

On my desktop, yes. On my laptop no.

Although, my laptop may have a separate ESP to boot.

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Bios ability to boot from each mirror member without clumsy rsync nonsense or sketchy md mirror hack between ESPs is a compelling reason to stick with it over EFI where possible, imo. Although for workstation, secureboot EFI is probably best.


I don’t fuck with mirrors, so that’s not really a problem for me.


Quick command if you ever want to scrape Wireguard credentials from a macOS host. It will prompt you for a password, so you can’t really do it nefariously, but good for pulling support info from a client when they are having issues with it…

security find-generic-password -a "$(security find-generic-password -s com.wireguard.macos | grep acct | cut -d '"' -f 4)" -s com.wireguard.macos -g 2>~/Desktop/support_info.txt >/dev/null

sed -e 's/PrivateKey = [[:graph:]]*/PrivateKey = REDACTED/g' ~/Desktop/support_info.txt |
tee ~/Desktop/support_info.txt >/dev/null

ifconfig -a >> ~/Desktop/support_info.txt;
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Spent a lot of time today wondering why I could only log in as root on my Arch vm.

I had set the user shell to /usr/bin/sh, but of course /etc/shells lists it as /bin/sh. Dumb.

sh is always in /bin.

It’s a core component, that needs to be available if /usr is not mounted.

Is it in /usr/bin on osx or something?

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Opposite actually.


% ls -ld /bin
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Sep  2 18:30 /bin -> usr/bin
% which command sh
command: shell built-in command


❯ ls -ld /bin
drwxr-xr-x@ 38 root  wheel  1216 Nov  5 21:26 /bin
❯ which command sh
command: shell built-in command

the fuck?

oh arch. why you do this?

/etc/shells has the proper configuration, not sure what tard did that.

Found it:


I guess I’m just a boomer.


IIRC, maybe Debian still had /bin until relatively recently, but I think most distros link it now.

I think the idea is that the essential system partitions should all be mounted by the initramfs.

Yeah, I guess with initramfs now, we don’t really need /bin separate.


I know you were talking about VyOS LTS access in another thread, they have some Cyber Monday/Holiday deals including a free LTS subscription if you have professional level certification from another vendor (so no to CCNA but yes to CCNP for example). https://blog.vyos.io/cyber-monday-more-thanks-and-more-special-offers


Oh that is neat, although through the end of the year doesn’t help me too much.

Also, I have no active certs (although used to have CCNA) because none of my clients know anything about them.

Who knew? :man_shrugging:

% brew search aide
==> Formulae