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lol wut?

I’d expect if command1 or command2 fails, command3 is attempted. Am I reading that incorrectly?

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It’s behaving like:

command1 | command3 || command2 | command3

I expected that if command1 succeeded but command3 failed, it would just fail.

Which shell?

But that actually makes sense, due to shell expansion. Kinda.


zsh. didn’t test it in bash

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Not sure that bash would have different results.

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It’s a zsh thing:


$ set -o pipefail
$ { ls || fakenews; } | fakernews
bash: fakernews: command not found...


% set -o pipefail
% { ls || fakenews; } | fakernews
zsh: command not found: fakernews
zsh: command not found: fakenews

Bash would try to pipe the output from the curly bracket stuff into fakernews



Yeah, it’s the zsh behavior that’s surprising.


New Mac M1 stuff is really interesting. That along with the GPUs this year and 5000-series Ryzen, I can’t remember a better year for PC tech… Thanks, 2020. Suck it, Intel.

2020 can still fuck itself


Gave the website some love after a long period of neglect. Still have to migrate some knowledge base stuff over, but the format is much better… the top left logo is a placeholder, although it’s kind of interesting to use all unicode characters instead of a graphic.



I’m converting a 32GB zvol to a vmdk and it’s going to take 8-12 hours at the rate its going. Is that normal?

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Same zpool?

I haven’t done it. But that doesn’t sound right to me. I usually sustain 120 MBps sustained write on my SMR drives. I think it is a 3x disk zpool.

No, it’s going onto an exfat USB drive… maybe I should have mentioned that.

I don’t think it’s I/O constrained, the conversion process is the bottleneck.

Gave up on Artix. Working on Arch install for my Linux desktop. It is a journey of discovery…


It is possible to make the ESP part of a RAID1 array, but doing so brings the risk of data corruption, and further considerations need to be taken when creating the ESP

Hmm, ok, cool let’s try it out.


Alright, kind of hacky, but seems like it’ll work.


You can’t use grub here cause it does not support luks2 volumes yet (maybe 2.06 will do).

No problem, since I’m installing gnu+linux÷systemd, I wanted to try systemd-boot anyway. IIRC, grub was kind of shimmed into using EFI anyway and since I will soon be a belligerent Arch user, I am allergic to the idea of using v1 of something when v2 exists.

[root@archiso /]# bootctl --esp-path=/efi install
Failed to probe partition scheme of "/dev/block/9:127": Input/output error

Uh oh…

it’s certainly nothing we should officially support because it cannot work in the general case. Sorry.

Poettering strikes again. Time for some stupid rsync shenanigans.


Ok we get it you use arch XD

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I don’t even yet, unless the live ISO counts… making good progress though.

NAME                             FSTYPE            FSVER            LABEL         UUID                                   FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINT
loop0                            squashfs          4.0
sr0                              iso9660           Joliet Extension ARCH_202011   2020-11-01-06-38-10-00                       0   100% /run/archiso/bootmnt
├─vda1                           linux_raid_member 1.0              esp_mirror    5ee49e75-7f37-ec2e-b469-da751fffda05
│ └─md127                        vfat              FAT32            ESP           A65A-9809                               548.8M     0% /mnt/efi
├─vda2                           linux_raid_member 1.0              boot_mirror   00065d3d-4f58-9ad5-caa0-a69a3b0c3e74
│ └─md126                        crypto_LUKS       2                              f3a042c0-b5bb-4dc5-b756-692555175ea9
│   └─boot_luks                  ext4              1.0              boot          30413d69-d103-472c-85f5-8769c3fa306f      3.6G     2% /mnt/boot
└─vda3                           linux_raid_member 1.2              root_mirror   bc0d7efe-beab-6931-3a06-351295c4e587
  └─md125                        crypto_LUKS       2                              34c66b0e-0ec5-46e1-adb9-a3514575dce7
    └─root_luks                  LVM2_member       LVM2 001                       buzMeQ-elxd-4bv3-lTeL-Ik2p-SWel-etxBHR
      ├─root_vg-root_lv          ext4              1.0              root          293b5364-88ae-473f-b260-508314898528     42.8G     4% /mnt
      ├─root_vg-var_lv           ext4              1.0              var           9318b045-ebda-409a-9607-b19e5b1766a6     29.2G     2% /mnt/var
      ├─root_vg-var_log_lv       ext4              1.0              var_log       768d71f9-5d43-4511-8ff4-185b1025ff3f      7.4G     0% /mnt/var/log
      ├─root_vg-var_log_audit_lv ext4              1.0              var_log_audit ff91f1ce-13bc-40ed-8e8e-c9a079dcd8d1      7.4G     0% /mnt/var/log/audit
      └─root_vg-swap_lv          swap              1                              de85bf6a-c4fd-4375-a850-76a320b3d229                  [SWAP]
├─vdb1                           linux_raid_member 1.0              esp_mirror    5ee49e75-7f37-ec2e-b469-da751fffda05
│ └─md127                        vfat              FAT32            ESP           A65A-9809                               548.8M     0% /mnt/efi
├─vdb2                           linux_raid_member 1.0              boot_mirror   00065d3d-4f58-9ad5-caa0-a69a3b0c3e74
│ └─md126                        crypto_LUKS       2                              f3a042c0-b5bb-4dc5-b756-692555175ea9
│   └─boot_luks                  ext4              1.0              boot          30413d69-d103-472c-85f5-8769c3fa306f      3.6G     2% /mnt/boot
└─vdb3                           linux_raid_member 1.2              root_mirror   bc0d7efe-beab-6931-3a06-351295c4e587
  └─md125                        crypto_LUKS       2                              34c66b0e-0ec5-46e1-adb9-a3514575dce7
    └─root_luks                  LVM2_member       LVM2 001                       buzMeQ-elxd-4bv3-lTeL-Ik2p-SWel-etxBHR
      ├─root_vg-root_lv          ext4              1.0              root          293b5364-88ae-473f-b260-508314898528     42.8G     4% /mnt
      ├─root_vg-var_lv           ext4              1.0              var           9318b045-ebda-409a-9607-b19e5b1766a6     29.2G     2% /mnt/var
      ├─root_vg-var_log_lv       ext4              1.0              var_log       768d71f9-5d43-4511-8ff4-185b1025ff3f      7.4G     0% /mnt/var/log
      ├─root_vg-var_log_audit_lv ext4              1.0              var_log_audit ff91f1ce-13bc-40ed-8e8e-c9a079dcd8d1      7.4G     0% /mnt/var/log/audit
      └─root_vg-swap_lv          swap              1                              de85bf6a-c4fd-4375-a850-76a320b3d229                  [SWAP]
vdc                              crypto_LUKS       2                              7b187f20-c4f4-4161-954c-e8c01f6866d4
└─home_luks                      LVM2_member       LVM2 001                       SzlCcZ-zTEX-4VR4-iakF-rMns-c2Nf-MJmexS
  └─home_vg-home_lv              ext4              1.0              home          a951f588-e73e-4cad-b678-35a8f1ac53ad     79.5G     0% /mnt/home

Selfhost for pride, or use a service for ease?

Squarespace. The self-hosting isn’t the issue so much as the building/designing. That said, I could see myself migrating to Ghost as some point. Looks like they’ve added a lot of features since I initially checked it out years ago.

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Ghost was nice but I can’t stand the ability to not tweak stuff, especially if I plan to do documentation.