List of Dr Debug BIOS Codes

Recently I was busy troubleshooting an issue with my ASRock mainboard and Ryzen and I needed to lookup some of the Mainboard debug display error codes.

As It turns out there aren't really any official manuals I could find for this. So here are my debug codes that I could find and what they mean.

Feel free to add more and make corrections.

Code	Description
0	Please check if the CPU is installed correctly and then clear CMOS.
0d	Problem related to memory, VGA card or other devices. Please clear CMOS, re-install the memory and VGA card, and remove other USB, PCI devices.
01 - 54 (except 0d), 5A- 60	Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory then clear CMOS. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
55	The Memory could not be detected. Please re-install the memory and CPU. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
61 - 91	Chipset initialization error. Please press reset or clear CMOS.
92 - 99	Problem related to PCI-E devices. Please re-install PCI-E devices or try installing them in other slots. If the problem still exists, please remove all PCI-E devices or try using another VGA card.
A0 - A7	Problem related to IDE or SATA devices. Please re-install IDE and SATA devices. If the problem still exists, please clear CMOS and try removing all SATA devices.
b0	Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
b4	Problem related to USB devices. Please try removing all USB devices.
b7	Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory then clear CMOS. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
d6	The VGA could not be recognized. Please clear CMOS and try re-installing the VGA card. If the problem still exists, please try installing the VGA card in other slots or use other VGA cards.
d7	The Keyboard and mouse could not be recognized. Please try re-installing the keyboard and mouse.
d8	Invalid Password.
FF	Please check if the CPU is installed correctly and then clear CMOS.

In addition here is a list of AMI BIOS error codes supposedly used by Sandy Bridge and later CPU chipsets, but I have not verified the accuracy of it as such:

Progress Codes

00 - Not used
01 - Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard)
02 - AP initialization before microcode loading
03 - System Agent initialization before microcode loading
04 - PCH initialization before microcode loading
05 - OEM initialization before microcode loading
06 - Microcode loading
07 - AP initialization after microcode loading
08 - System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09 - PCH initialization after microcode loading
0A - OEM initialization after microcode loading
0B - Cache initialization

SEC Error Codes

0C - Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0D - Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0E - Microcode not found
0F - Microcode not loaded

PEI Phase

10 - PEI Core is started
11 - Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
12 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
13 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
14 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
15 - Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
16 - Pre-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
17 - Pre-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
18 - Pre-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
19 - Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
1A - Pre-memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
1B - Pre-memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
1C - Pre-memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
1D - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
1E - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
1F - OEM pre-memory initialization codes

20 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
21 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
22 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
23 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
24 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
25 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
26 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
27 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
28 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
29 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
2A - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
2B - Memory initialization. Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data reading
2C - Memory initialization. Memory presence detection
2D - Memory initialization. Programming memory timing information
2E - Memory initialization. Confi guring memory
2F - Memory initialization (other)

30 - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31 - Memory Installed
32 - CPU post-memory initialization is started
33 - CPU post-memory initialization. Cache initialization
34 - CPU post-memory initialization. Application Processor(s) (AP) initialization
35 - CPU post-memory initialization. Boot Strap Processor (BSP) selection
36 - CPU post-memory initialization. System Management Mode (SMM) initialization
37 - Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
38 - Post-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
39 - Post-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
3A - Post-Memory System Agent initialization (System Agent module specific)
3B - Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3C - Post-Memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
3D - Post-Memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
3E - Post-Memory PCH initialization (PCH module specific)
3F - OEM post memory initialization codes

40 - OEM post memory initialization codes
41 - OEM post memory initialization codes
42 - OEM post memory initialization codes
43 - OEM post memory initialization codes
44 - OEM post memory initialization codes
45 - OEM post memory initialization codes
46 - OEM post memory initialization codes
47 - OEM post memory initialization codes
48 - OEM post memory initialization codes
49 - OEM post memory initialization codes
4A - OEM post memory initialization codes
4B - OEM post memory initialization codes
4C - OEM post memory initialization codes
4D - OEM post memory initialization codes
4E - OEM post memory initialization codes
4F - DXE IPL is started

PEI Error Codes

50 - Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
51 - Memory initialization error. SPD reading has failed
52 - Memory initialization error. Invalid memory size or memory modules do not match
53 - Memory initialization error. No usable memory detected
54 - Unspecifi ed memory initialization error
55 - Memory not installed
56 - Invalid CPU type or Speed
57 - CPU mismatch
58 - CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
59 - CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
5A - Internal CPU error
5B - reset PPI is not available
5C - Reserved for future AMI error codes
5D - Reserved for future AMI error codes
5E - Reserved for future AMI error codes
5F - Reserved for future AMI error codes

DXE Phase

60 - DXE Core is started
61 - NVRAM initialization
62 - Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
63 - CPU DXE initialization is started
64 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
65 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
66 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
67 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
68 - PCI host bridge initialization
69 - System Agent DXE initialization is started
6A - System Agent DXE SMM initialization is started
6B - System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
6C - System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
6D - System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
6E - System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)
6F - System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)

70 - PCH DXE initialization is started
71 - PCH DXE SMM initialization is started
72 - PCH devices initialization
73 - PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
74 - PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
75 - PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
76 - PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
77 - PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)
78 - ACPI module initialization
79 - CSM initialization
7A - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7B - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7C - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7D - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7E - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7F - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes

80 - OEM DXE initialization codes
81 - OEM DXE initialization codes
82 - OEM DXE initialization codes
83 - OEM DXE initialization codes
84 - OEM DXE initialization codes
85 - OEM DXE initialization codes
86 - OEM DXE initialization codes
87 - OEM DXE initialization codes
88 - OEM DXE initialization codes
89 - OEM DXE initialization codes
8A - OEM DXE initialization codes
8B - OEM DXE initialization codes
8C - OEM DXE initialization codes
8D - OEM DXE initialization codes
8E - OEM DXE initialization codes
8F - OEM DXE initialization codes

90 - Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91 - Driver connecting is started
92 - PCI Bus initialization is started
93 - PCI Bus Hot Plug Controller Initialization
94 - PCI Bus Enumeration 32
95 - PCI Bus Request Resources
96 - PCI Bus Assign Resources
97 - Console Output devices connect
98 - Console input devices connect
99 - Super IO Initialization
9A - USB initialization is started
9B - USB Reset
9C - USB Detect
9D - USB Enable
9E - Reserved for future AMI codes
9F - Reserved for future AMI codes

A0 - IDE initialization is started
A1 - IDE Reset
A2 - IDE Detect
A3 - IDE Enable
A4 - SCSI initialization is started
A5 - SCSI Reset
A6 - SCSI Detect
A7 - SCSI Enable
A8 - Setup Verifying Password
A9 - Start of Setup
AA - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
AB - Setup Input Wait
AC - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
AD - Ready To Boot event
AE - Legacy Boot event
AF - Exit Boot Services event

B0 - Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
B1 - Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
B2 - Legacy Option ROM Initialization
B3 - System Reset
B4 - USB hot plug
B5 - PCI bus hot plug
B6 - Clean-up of NVRAM
B7 - Confi guration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
B8 - Reserved for future AMI codes
B9 - Reserved for future AMI codes
BA - Reserved for future AMI codes
BB - Reserved for future AMI codes
BC - Reserved for future AMI codes
BD - Reserved for future AMI codes
BE - Reserved for future AMI codes
BF - Reserved for future AMI codes

C0 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C1 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C2 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C3 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C4 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C5 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C6 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C7 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C8 - OEM BDS initialization codes
C9 - OEM BDS initialization codes
CA - OEM BDS initialization codes
CB - OEM BDS initialization codes
CC - OEM BDS initialization codes
CD - OEM BDS initialization codes
CE - OEM BDS initialization codes
CF - OEM BDS initialization codes

DXE Error Codes

D0 - CPU initialization error
D1 - System Agent initialization error
D2 - PCH initialization error
D3 - Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
D4 - PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5 - No Space for Legacy Option ROM
D6 - No Console Output Devices are found
D7 - No Console Input Devices are found
D8 - Invalid password
D9 - Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage returned error)
DA - Boot Option is failed (StartImage returned error)
DB - Flash update is failed
DC - Reset protocol is not available

S3 Resume Progress Codes

E0 - S3 Resume is stared (S3 Resume PPI is called by the DXE IPL)
E1 - S3 Boot Script execution
E2 - Video repost
E3 - OS S3 wake vector call
E4 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
E5 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
E6 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
E7 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes

S3 Resume Error Codes

E8 - S3 Resume Failed
E9 - S3 Resume PPI not Found
EA - S3 Resume Boot Script Error
EB - S3 OS Wake Error
EC - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
ED - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
EE - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
EF - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31

Recovery Progress Codes

F0 - Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1 - Recovery condition triggered by user (Forced recovery)
F2 - Recovery process started
F3 - Recovery fi rmware image is found
F4 - Recovery fi rmware image is loaded
F5 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
F6 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
F7 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes

Recovery Error Codes

F8 - Recovery PPI is not available
F9 - Recovery capsule is not found
FA - Invalid recovery capsule
FB - Reserved for future AMI error codes
FC - Reserved for future AMI error codes
FD - Reserved for future AMI error codes
FE - Reserved for future AMI error codes
FF - Reserved for future AMI error codes

ACPI/ASL Checkpoints

01 - System is entering S1 sleep state
02 - System is entering S2 sleep state
03 - System is entering S3 sleep state
04 - System is entering S4 sleep state
05 - System is entering S5 sleep state
10 - System is waking up from the S1 sleep state
20 - System is waking up from the S2 sleep state
30 - System is waking up from the S3 sleep state
40 - System is waking up from the S4 sleep state
AC - System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode
AA - System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode

So I have an official solution for the Debug Error code 07 on post. YES it is a RAM related issue. I struggled with this problem for a week before I came to a realization. So let me tell you the trouble steps I took.

So here’s the issue I was running into:

First, The specs of my brand new build:

Ryzen 7 3800x
Wraith Prism (Stock heatsink for the CPU)
MSI MEG x570 Ace (Don’t get me wrong, yes it’s MSI but the debug codes I think are all the same)
32GB DDR4 3600 G.Skill TridentZ Neo RGB (2x16GB)
AMD PowerColor Red Devil 5700xt
ThermalTake ToughPower Grand 80+ Gold 750w
1TB Inland m.2 Gen4 drive
Windows 10 64-bit Pro
1st Bios to Newest Bios (tested each one for flaws/issues)

The issue I was running into:
As I built the system, I put my RAM into A2/B2 slots according to the Mainboard Manual specifications for Dual Channel operation. Hooking everything else up and turning the system on for the first time, the Debug LCD went through a variety of debug codes quite fast then paused at 07, went through more codes, stopped at 07 and the diagnostic LED for the DRAM next to the 24pin power port on the mainboard was on as well. System would not boot or complete the post.

Steps took towards resolution

I obviously did some research online for a week straight to find no help whatsoever in solving the problem. The advice I got from doing my due diligence and researching the hell out of the Debug Error 07 code, I found the below answers.

It’s a RAM issue, right? So it’s OBVIOUSLY Bad Ram. This IS a possibility, but if you’ve already tried the below steps, read on. It was NOT my solution.

RAM Issue: So swapped out the RAM, right? Of course I did. Did I check the QVL compatibility list for my mobo, Of course I did. 100% compatible.

  1. I tried swapping the ram from A2/B2 to A1/B1. STILL no post.

  2. I tried SWAPPING THE ram modules to A1/A2, HOLY sh*t It posted and booted no problems! Well, one problem existed now. IT WAS ONLY SINGLE CHANNEL!!! Which means my ram was running at 2133Mhz instead of 3600Mhz. This is a NO GO.

  3. Just for sh*ts and giggles and for further diagnostic testing, I swapped the RAM to B1/B2 slots, It’s a Code 07 again with the DRAM Diagnostic LED on.

  4. The system had no problems or crashes or stutters running on A1/A2 in single channel, so I didn’t think it was the ram, but the easiest resolution was to swap out the ram at the store, so I did. STILL the exact same issue. No Post/Boot and Code 07 with the Diagnostic LED for DRAM on.

The DRAM diagnostic LED was still on, the Post code on the LCD display was still 07, no post/boot. Couldn’t get past 07 or the DRAM led with the new RAM either or forced to run in single channel only, which was not gonna be acceptable.

So if it’s not the RAM and the mobo is having the exact same issue with the new ram in every step, it MUST be the Mainboard, right? It’s a VERY Good possibility, but again STILL not the solution for me. Here’s the steps I took for the mobo:

  1. I swapped out the mobo, plugged in all the cables. flashed the firmware using the Flashback USB port.

  2. I repeated all the steps in the RAM testing above with the new pair of RAM modules.

I got the exact same results as above. So What the HECK! If it’s not the RAM and it’s not the motherboard, what else is there? It’s a RAM issue, right? So it’s gotta be EITHER the RAM modules themselves or the Ram slots on the motherboard are bad, right? Well, read on.

After doing some more research, I discovered that the “MEMORY CONTROLLER” is built onboard the CPU of the newer Intel and AMD CPU’s…

Could it be? Could it possibly be that the Memory Controller on the CPU itself is bad and that is why the B-Channel of my RAM slots would never function and would prevent the system from booting/posting successfully?

Infact, the answer to this question is YES!!! A Resounding YES!!!

I swapped out my Brand new (week old) Ryzen 7 3800x with a brand new one exchanged at the store and all my problems are GONE!! System works flawlessly, I now have my RAM working not only at 3600Mhz but they’re overclocked to 4400Mhz with no issues whatsoever.

I know this is an older post, but it’s one of the first that pops up on google and apparently this problem still exists from time to time, so I wanted others to be able to see it, whether you run a Gigabyte, Asus, ASRock, MSI board, etc…Hopefully I can help put this problem to rest for a LOT of people.

Now granted, I speak of B-Channel slots only because that was MY case scenario. In all honesty, If the Memory controller of the CPU is bad/defective or goes bad along the way, It can cause any variety of RAM problems, such as BSoD’s, crashes, memory errors, DRAM diagnostic LED and even post codes relating to the RAM.
Where you are I’ve been
Where you’re going I’ve already gone
What you’re doing I’ve already done
What you’re looking at I’ve already seen
TJ The DJ of Tech

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I am having a similar issue with no signal and no post to my monitor. Fans going full blast until i manually shut it down. Still having issue determining if it is my CPU or MOBO.

  • Asus Crosshair VIII Hero (non WI-FI) x570 motherboard
  • AMD Ryzen 3900x
  • EVGA XC Ultra NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti
  • Corsair RM850i power supply
  • G.SKILL TridentZ Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) 3600MHz
  • Noctua NHD-15s CPU Cooler
  • Samsung 970 plus m.2 NVME SSD

Since April 3rd, i haven’t been able to get my pc to post into bios or display signal to my monitor, All fans go on full blast, showing LED indicators while also showing the AURA RGB lighting on the motherboard.

  • Updated to the latest BIOS using usb flashdrive March 2020 build.
  • Q code from motherboard shows D6 error with yellow LED for DRAM error.
  • Tested 2080 Ti into another computer which is working fine.
  • Re-seated the graphics card
  • Booted with one memory module
  • Shuffled the memory modules
  • Discharged the caps by pressing and holding the start button
  • Swapped PSUs which is working

Not sure how to troubleshoot if it is either my ryzen 3900x or my x570 motherboard are faulty. Thanks in advance.

Any idea what a d4 post code is? It doesn’t appear to be on the list, or in my manual.

I had been running a 1920X, just plugged in a 2950X and it failed to POST. Tried clearing CMOS, same outcome.

ASRock X399 Taichi

Edit: I think it’s a dud CPU. I swapped the 1920X in and out a few times, it always posted after clearing CMOS. 2950X never did. I’m on BIOS 3.80, which is only one revision old, it’s certainly new enough to work.

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I’m having issiues with my x570 taichi MOBO with R3700x and 2x 16gb ECC crucial ram and 2 Samsung NVMe m.2 drives.

I’m getting a c05 error code, while the PC keeps restarting. Nothing on my monitor, no beeps, nothing.

The manual doesn’t seem to include the C error codes at all…

Any ideas?

It was a ram order issue in the end… pulled everything out, cleared the BIOS and started from the beginning. One stick of ram worked and the other one, only if it was on the first slot, while working in dual channel…

A post was split to a new topic: Boot Problem D6 and 5 Beeps

I got the b4 code. However, i removed all usb devices and the code doesnt go away. Also, all usb devices work just fine. Any solutions?