Hi, i had an error d6 and 5 beeps on startup and people said it was a bad vga card. i tried swapping the bios chip from another computer and now it says 07. if you have any fixes please say i have been working on this computer for months.
Recently I was busy troubleshooting an issue with my ASRock mainboard and Ryzen and I needed to lookup some of the Mainboard debug display error codes.
As It turns out there aren't really any official manuals I could find for this. So here are my debug codes that I could find and what they mean.
Feel free to add more and make corrections.
Code Description
0 Please check if the CPU is installed correctly and then clear CMOS.
0d Problem related to memory, VGA card or other devices. Please clear CMOS, re-install the memory and VGA card, and remove other USB, PCI devices.
01 - 54 (except 0d), 5A- 60 Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory then clear CMOS. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
55 The Memory could not be detected. Please re-install the memory and CPU. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
61 - 91 Chipset initialization error. Please press reset or clear CMOS.
92 - 99 Problem related to PCI-E devices. Please re-install PCI-E devices or try installing them in other slots. If the problem still exists, please remove all PCI-E devices or try using another VGA card.
A0 - A7 Problem related to IDE or SATA devices. Please re-install IDE and SATA devices. If the problem still exists, please clear CMOS and try removing all SATA devices.
b0 Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
b4 Problem related to USB devices. Please try removing all USB devices.
b7 Problem related to memory. Please re-install the CPU and memory then clear CMOS. If the problem still exists, please install only one memory module or try using other memory modules.
d6 The VGA could not be recognized. Please clear CMOS and try re-installing the VGA card. If the problem still exists, please try installing the …
OP posted here initially I moved to new thread.
Can you provide a bit more on your set up, is it new/ used parts ? First build etc
February 15, 2022, 4:19am
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