Devember 2018

IIRC there’s already threads dedicated to stuff like that. But not automated and so people forget about them.

Also, I know this isn’t a programming specific forum, but I think there kind of needs to be a designated leader who specializes in a specific subforum and spearheads related event’s and engagement.

There are lots of subforum categories, but unfortunately mostly dead because there’s no one cornerstone individual(s) to really drive the engagement.


That’s a good idea, but I am the wrong person for programming related stuff.
I already contributed a bit to

and made the sciency stuff threads:

Physics and science in general, electronics and smaller DIY projects are my element. There I would be comfortable to something like that.

People would be forgiven for not knowing this though. I know there are tags and supposedly there are categories, but the forum just appears to be a bit list of threads, with the lounge safe space at the top. It isn’t intuitive to type hash tags into the search box to find something you want. I don’t even know how to go into a sub category.
*edit: Oh I see the tab at the top… Never been in there. Are there website metrics that monitor feature use?

It’s a chicken and egg problem. I am guessing that threads only get engagement if people know they are there, or they are front page. Take the 3d printing one. I would expect a bunch more activity in there, given it’s a tech channel, and they are pretty cheap or even DIY these days.

Id be happy with MAYgineering, I have some projects I need to start/finish, and it is punny enough.

That’s because by default it should be category view IMO.

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Semi-related topic + shameless self-promotion: FermiOS: An OS development for Raspi 3


I definitely needed this challenge. I am thinking about how to do stuff properly for my game. I’m organising stuff in my head so I don’t have to reprogram shit again…
Thanks for the challenge. I really needed it.


I’m only on day 6 but I’m strangely already sad that it’s going to end. I hope I can keep up the motivation in January.


Up to 1 week. 1/4 through. How is everyone doing?


Honestly I thought I will be much more ahead. I was expecting to reach the point where I am now at day 3. Not Day 6. But anyways, I’m rusty like nobody’s business, so it will take some time to fix this, but at least I am doing something… In the last few months I have done absolutely nothing about the project, so there’s that.
How are you doing with your thing?

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My progress is very slow and I try not to let the excuse count that I know very little programming. However from an overall learning experience this challenge is amazing how much I learned even though I have no useful code yet.

What is the natural work cycle of you guys? I usually work 5 to 6 hours straight on a single thing and not spread in 1 hour intervals over every day.

How about you?

Edit: lol, I am so tired I made so many typos and incoherent sentences it’s not even funny.

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I don’t have big stretches of time at the moment. Maybe in the weekends, but I think X4: Foundations will be eating up that time.
I have been doing an hour before work (working 10-6 this and next week), or maybe an hour after if I am a bit tired.

I am not getting a massive amount of work done, but am consistently working on it. Definitely learning new things about Unity. Now seeing how thorough the mono C# programming is, and getting used to c#. Only used VB.Net to build programs before. Boils down to the same thing pretty much, just different syntax.


I have a huge list of tiny goals and I go for one…
If I wasn’t as bad of it (I say rusty to feel better) it would usually take like 20 minutes. I do it for an hour cause I always forget something…
But yeah, I have a list of tiny goals I need to finish. Manageable bite sized goals, that are small to be easily achievable and still showing progress, so not to bring the mindset of “I’m working 3 days and have no progress”. I already have 4 goals completed, cause I remade the last 2 things…


I like to work in short intense bursts. Usually between an hour or three. I learn at my own pace and struggled in school because of that. It’s why I like online learning; I feel I am learning more going at my own pace in 6 days than I did in an entire year of computer studies at school.


My apologies for the lack of updates.

I had a small financial emergency. Still programmed, just didn’t blog about it. Will do so now.

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Tiring, but still motivated :slight_smile: I am using R at work, and this project definitely makes sure I don’t forget python! But sometimes I feel like I am a bit schizophrenic… is it = or <- ? length () or len () ? paste0 (‘a’,‘b’) or ‘a’ + ‘b’ ? dim () or .shape ? …

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Ok, although I didn’t even realize how much stuff I have forgotten. Granted that Java and Python have little bit different syntax, but still I thought I would have advanced much further than where I’m right now. Others doing some crazy stuff and I’m like “OOOH look at that, lists are working!”

But I’m glad I participated to this challenge. Without peer pressure I would have given up already.

3-5 hours of continuous work, which includes little over an hour of productive time and rest is procrastination. :grin:




Go Vue or go home master race.

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Great video. The end was cool, where he showed all three frameworks on the same application lol.