Will the cost of GPU ever return to MSRP level?

but… they release the new series every two years. You said it yourself many people left the 20 series and waited for the 30. I mean its not like they didn’t sell any on the contrary they sold a boatload of GPUs just not to gamers or professionals.

Nah production is small they haven’t sold a boatload to anyone not even the miners. Point 1 is the biggest factor by far.

Well I just hope that they release the new series by next year. Because I’d hate to buy a 30 series card next year just see them release a new one a month or two later.

I would not expect it next year at all. I mean they are still both releasing new version of them actively, nVidia only recently had the 3080ti and 3070ti and the 3060 not long before that and AMD just put out the RX 6900XTX and RX 6600 is … I actually forgot when that one is/was?

This generation is not even done being new or fully released, it still has probably a year and a half if not 2 and a half years left to run. Edit: there is still a potential RX 6500 and maybe even 6400? And nVIdia can go down into the 40, 30 and maybe been 20 numbers as the 1030 is the last of those small cards to be released and a new one with the new arch and some light RTX cores or NVenc could be useful for non gaming accelerated stuff and the demand for these lowend stuff is there with the 1030 still selling well and the 710 even coming back.

I would not be surprised to see them extend the retail life of this generation as long as possible, one to keep making money on them because record profits and, two to give them extra time working on the next one so that it is equally a large step forward and can again pull in a big upgrade group and prices.

As for your worries, there will always be the next thing to “Just wait a little longer for” and that is not worth the mental tax. Wait for a 30series that is at an acceptable level of price and performance for you to justify and then simply forget everything else exists and do not compare to new things for a while until you have seen how capable it actually is in your system and are happy getting the most out of it.


When everyone was saying to skip the 20 series, I went out and bought a 2070 Super and paid MSRP. I’m glad I bought it when I did.

I see several factors over the next few months relaxing the GPU shortage, though by how much I don’t know.

  1. Ethereum will be going Proof of Stake, which means the 2nd most popular cryptocurrency will no longer be mine-able.
  2. As more people get vaccinated, demand for PCs and parts should decline as people head outdoors and start socializing.
  3. As #1 takes effect, more GPUs will be entering the used market as disgruntled ETH miners try to offload their now useless gear.

Due to #3 I guess the used market will benefit first. I would think that would relax demand for new cards at least a bit.

But it’s all guesswork. Who knows what might happen next? Maybe Intel GPUs will be useless for mining, and turn out to be great gaming cards.

The Nvidia Quadro P1000 model, a 14nm part launched in 2017, is going for 2,429 yuan ($376) on JD.com, a popular Chinese e-commerce biz, down from 3,000 yuan ($464). The Asus GeForce RTX3060, announced earlier this year, has dropped from 13,499 yuan ($2087) to 4,699 yuan ($763), on Tmall, another Chinese online vendor.


I’ll be patient. Wait for shitcoin crash and buy cheap used GPUs. Things are already happening.


holyshit, now I can probably snag one soon for a discount.

Can confirm I just found a RTX3070ti for $950 instead of last week’s price of $1260.

I think I’ll be able to get my hands on a card get sooner than I expected.

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Just keep a watch out, if they drop quick enough, they could bounce back up because suddenly they will be a “really good” deal and people will buy them at the new lower price and put them back into mining or flipping.

If that happens though and it is not a long term thing they will continue down after the bounce.

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it’s insane, about a year ago I paid $800 AUD for a 3060ti from one of my local retailers ebay store, recently rechecked the listing out of curiousity and its shot up to 1600

Ether is not the only crypto mineable with GPU.


MSRP markup differences [AIB vs. in-House], will grow a bit more, thanks to tariff / other added costs. While the demand still holds and people [willingly] buy, at these more absurd pricings… The price dip will remain a slow trudge

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No tariffs for me I live in Asia

This is certainly true. But ETH is currently by far the most popular cryptocoin to mine with a GPU. When all that hash power scatters to the four winds, it may mean that mining becomes overall less profitable as the mining ‘market’ fragments to dozens of different coins.

Not really. For me for example the nicehash boxes will just auto switch to beam or something else just like they already do based on market rate.

The World is healing.
RTX3080 price went back to last year’s price of $1200 instead of $1860 a month back.

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Shameless plug for below MSRP hardly used 6900xt

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Can those prices only be found in those ridiculous New Egg bundles, or can you buy a single GPU for that price?

In Canada it’s bundles only if you want close to MSRP, but then you are also stuck with the extra stuff New Egg shoved in the bundle and all the T&C that come with it.

well the good news is nvidias stopped prioritising china and cards are starting to flow back into Europe.
so prices will start falling soon.
and yeah they should return to msrp pretty quickly for the higher end.
but the low end are still marginally profitable for mining so they will likely still have a markup attached at retail.

that being said september-ish would be my guess.