Will the cost of GPU ever return to MSRP level?

Single GPU Price here in Hong Kong where I live.

GPU Price Update:

RTX3070 $800
RTX3070 ti $860
RTX3080 price has dropped by another $105 making it $1094.
RTX3080 ti $1550.
RTX3090 $2085

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Frustrating. Of course, I wouldn’t buy any of those cards ever, but much the same is present red-side.

Buy nvidia. Our lord and savior! Emperor of GPUs

Commands you.


Jokes aside to answer the question not for at least another year. It’s not the end of the world just find new hobbies is the way I see this change

I will not convert. Back, follower of the betrayer! Back!

Anyway yes, it’ll be some time. No new hobbies.

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I am creating… the miliantes ecclesiae ex nvidia… Soldiers of the church of nvidia. The jensinites as they are called… will spend money where others will not. Often spending great amounts in order to promote the Nvidia GPU supremacy and take the power of jensen to AMD heathens and carry out the holy mission and defend the holy faith of nvidia even at the risk of martyrdom

(Props if you know exactly what character from what english TV show I am parodying) xD

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Still hoping prices come down this year though.

it makes laptops more appealing

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This sneak preview of NVIDIA’s next gen cards looks promising: Testing the Nvidia RTX 4090 - YouTube

While there is some concern about the amount of power these cards may require, as a former VEGA 64 owner I am already emotionally well prepared.

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Haha. Vega 64 aint got nothing on even this generation. I have two of them, my 6900XT can draw more, and the 3090 can draw a LOT more.

oops. stupid clicking on links at the bottom of some other related post

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More seriously if NVIDIA get away with high end 3000 series power draw this time around (and certainly seems they are going to) you can bet both companies will be pushing the limits on power to get more performance.

Short answer - no…

Couple that with rumors of 600-800mm2 overall die sizes (multiple packages) for full-fat Navi3 and likely similar sort of sizes for Nvidia if they’re going to be equally competitive, and we’re looking at GPU prices being at least 1.5x the current market at the ultra high end, i would wager.

There are people willing to pay for the best of the best, and in an environment such as this with manufacturing, component supply and freight difficulties, expect stuff to continue to be expensive.

Never mind the continued covid related stuff…

My gf works in freight scheduling for example - there is a global shortage of shipping containers right now.

Something people don’t think about - if freight slows down (quarantine, limited flights, etc.), or only goes one way, the containers are stuck in transit for longer (on dock, quarantine, on boat instead of plane, whatever).

Which means more of them are required to keep freight flowing. No available container for road freight = stuff gets packed into a “Wagon” (truck with non-removable covered cargo area).

Wagons mean that to deliver stuff, you can’t just pop the container off and the truck does another container delivery. All that shit needs to be manually unpacked/re-packed before the truck can leave. Wagosn are also generally smaller and can carry less to start with. Which slows things down even further. Which pumps up the cost, at every step of the supply chain. And of course there are only a limited number of wagons… freight companies hate using them due to the pack/unpack thing but will do so if there’s no alternative…

There’s so much of this kind of trouble going on behind the scenes (that normal people not involved in the specific industries may not even know about - that’s something i’d never thought about until my gf was complaining about trying to find containers for delivery scheduling), it isn’t just all price gouging.

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I work for an Ag company, We won’t be able to get any new pickups until the second half of next year, and are basically running on spares and doing whatever we need to keep them running, which is more costly than our usual strategy of buying new and selling at a certain number of miles.

So yeah, entire supply chains are still fucked.


Increased prices on TSMC doesn’t mean they produce less. Just means Apple, AMD and co are paying 20% more , which is a fraction on the price we pay for the cards. 20 € more for a card is hardly noticeable when talking GPU prices atm. And by the time those chips get actually sold as GPUs, Intel already hit the market with Arc.

Less worrysome than it sounds like.

Christmas season will see an increase in pricing, but after new year we get a steady decrease from intel and '22 upgrades from AMD/Nvidia.

Availability here in germany is very good. I can get every card I want. Maybe I get a 3080/6800 for MSRP with my new system or I’m waiting for Intel in spring '22.

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I think the better question to ask would be: what currency will remain feasible to purchase with post-2021? If you have all your holdings in USD, then sorry to say you’re probably fucked as your purchasing power will only get worse as the feds print more money.

If you haven’t gotten in to crypto yet, now is the time. I recommend taking a look at ARRR and particularly DERO. Smart Contracts and private blockchains will remain stable as different governments around the world try to manipulate the price of BTC by putting it through regulations and bans. BTC will become no better than fiat at that point.

pump it some more…

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Im doing my small part in the healthcare system and I am clearing as many sailors diagnostics-wise as I can so those shipping containers remain manned.


Did GPU prices just go up again?

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I would not be surprised…

ROFL I forgot I said this

I must have been drinking

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