What is the worst beer in existence?

Them's fightin words.

Beers like PBR, Busch and the black can of 211 I like for cheap beers. Really easy to drink them after these.

Tennents from the UK, piss in a pint glass!!



Steel Reserve because it's terrible taste AND Miller Lite for it's complete lack of taste.


It's like hammered horse piss mixed with dishwater

Craggy Ice!

Coor's and Coor's Lite


Any hipster beer. Went to a local brewery in Boulder, CO that was giving out samples of beer from around town. ALL of them (sampled about 8) tasted like ass. 

Best description I have ever heard of Hamm's. Grandpa drinks that since Olympia isn't around anymore. I think. 

Was on drinking vacation in Cyprus and decided to try the local beer "Leon". The worst beer I have EVER tasted, it managed to be completely tasteless, and somehow disgusting at the same time. Couldn't even drink it when I was hammered. The text "50% extra free" says it all..

I'm sorry. But my least favourite that I've ever tried: Guinness.

Guinness is an acquired taste- just like most bitter stout-y drinks. My personal worst is Blue Moon. Can't stand it.

I do not care for anything that Miler touches.

Especially Coors.