What are you watching right now?

The one with Emma Watson?

Agreed. Definitely the best Spider-Man movie to date.

As my brother put it: “Don’t compare it to the Marvel movies, and you’ll have a blast watching it.”
I think he was right. I loved watching it but I wish WB was more invested in the DC movies. They’re definitely picking up steam though. Can’t wait to see Shazam!

Because it’s a good show.

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This has been on youtube since December 2012…

Gotta say I really enjoyed this movie, the classic looks of the transformers was well done, the only thing that brought it down for me was a few plot points and the rushed ending. I give it a 8.5/10

5/10, didn’t like the artwork and animation.
Plot was a bit thin and it felt aimed at a younger audience than myself.


Trying to catch up with all the movies I missed.
Today was Shazam, and ohh man this was a pretty decent movie, not the best as the plot felt stale at times but the actors were really good in this. I had a hoot so I give this an 8/10

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Giving Letterkenny a shot, but honestly not really feeling it…


The robot in the movie is an actual person in a suit and not a CGI/Animatronics/pupet combo.
You can see Adam Savage talking with the guy in the video below.


Finishing The Blacklist. Watching titans, doom patrol and gonna start swamp thing. Then binging GoT and West World.

Good Omens. Was fun, Tennant as demon is pure gold!

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Damn you Black Mirror Season 5 Ep3, now Ashley O’s On a Roll is stuck in my head…

Just finished The Blacklist. That is going to be my next watch after I finish the DC shows and Westworld/Game of Thrones.

You peeps should give the DC Streaming Service a shot. Titans is really good. You get to see Robin say, “Fuck Batman”

I’m watching formula 1.

DeAngelis and Alboreto are fighting for first place right now.

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A very secret service
fr: au service de la france
ger: Frankreich gegen den Rest der Welt

A franco-german co production about the french secret service in the 60s. It’s … well … very french

enable subtitles in this video

It’s friggin hilarious :grinning:

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Tried that for like two episodes. (It’s on Netflix in Germany.)
Not for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Lame oh listen what I say oh woahhhh.