What are you watching right now?

What am I watching right now?

Wrestling, I’m watching wrestling…


Just finished watching Road to the Tokyo Dome On NJPW World. So yea I’m watching wrestling. Call it what you like but it’s the best live action entertainment on the planet.

Binge watched this yesterday as I was feeling pretty crappy and wow, bizarre but pretty good. I can’t say I was overly happy about the ending, but I think many people will identify when I do not.


Starting this right now, wish me luck

Super scurry nun

Whew, movie was good, and plenty scary.

The conjuring films always deliver.

I’m watching “Cells at work” and and it’s AMAZING…

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2038 Origin Unknown

Bird Box

I finish watching a new Australian show. Im glad netflix is puting in money to the Australian media industry. Cring watch.

The preview looked cringy, but it’s good?

nope. There is some nude aussies and that is about it. Lots of terrible acting and dialog.

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I saw it too, 4/10.

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Dang that low? Haha. I enjoyed it, but compared to A Quiet Place it does not stack up.

Totally agree, I liked the Quiet Place too.

Seems to be a lot more Aussie content on US Netflix.

The cheesiest or cheese but like a train wreck I can’t look away.

Dumpster fire

Yer I kind of hope the cash being poured into local content lifts the game a little. Cringe factor is rising.

RIP Super Dave. Comedy the way it should be done.


Enjoyed it, solid acting and now I’m all studied up for Glass.