Welcome to Level1 Devember!

A foreign paradigm in a foreign language against a foreign API…plus 10 years of codeless rust…what could go wrong?

I was worried I bit off more than I could chew. It has not been easy. But things are starting to take shape so I feel safe to share:

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Hi everyone, I am going to be working on my Proxmox asymmetric cluster management thing. Many years ago (I think it was in 2015?) I wrote a crappy script demo-ing that maybe auto-migration of high load VMs between an un-balanced cluster (low power nodes and high power nodes) could be a thing.

So… I am actually making that work now… hopefully.

Project Thread

I would like to pre-face this with, I am not a Python programmer nor do I pretend to be one. So this is also me learning Python.


Hi All!
Hopefully it’s not too late to join?

I am going to be building a system for embeddable web comments using the Matrix protocol.
It’s basically going to be an embeddable HTML/JS thing, so you can use it easily on static sites (like hugo / jekyll stuff).
It’s all going to federate using the Matrix protocol, so it will have some interesting properties re: resiliency and privacy.
I’m also writing the whole thing in Elm, which is a blast!

I just signed up for the forum (have been L1 fan for years now). If somebody will give my account permissions, I can make a proper post describing the project :snowboarder:


Thats awesome. I did a quick and dirty project like that for a class at uni. Hope yours goes well.

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Alrighty I put up my devember post!

It’s a rough overview of the why and the how of what I’m building (Matrix web comments thing).
I intentionally left out a bunch of interesting design details, to try and keep it brief.
So if you have any questions, come and talk to me! I’ll gladly elaborate :racehorse:


When you make more progress than expected you enter the challenge.
I have wanted to explore the esp32 and learn micropython, mainly to see how far this combo can go before you need more horse power. I want to explore automation, “web dev”, device interface (real microcontroller stuff), addressable LED control, and whatever else comes my way as explore this micro.


Absolutely not! Devember technically starts in december.


My Devember project is to make and RPM package for plex player and see what it takes to do/maintain it.



I don’t see enough people getting into package maintenance. Very happy to see this! Not glamorous work, but stuff that needs doing nonetheless.

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Hi there! I’m new here.

My project is to improve AI in computer games or other simulators. Effectively “cockfighting AI” (or bots) for leaderboards.

The challenge for the Devember2020 is to aim to finish my “corona-project” that I started a couple of months ago. It is a bit bigger than something that I could do in a month. I’ve just managed to put a “beta version” of the website up. Not all functionality is there yet. The basics work but that’s about it. I wanted to have something to show before posting here.


This might not be 100% fair as I work full time as a developer since 2018, happy to have the option to work from home in these times.

A while ago (8 months) I started working on a side project that I am trying to urgently get to MVP this month. Think pcpartpicker but for custom keyboards. You pick the parts, submit the builds, filter builds based on parts. Collaborate over part specifications.

Here is the dev URL in the meanwhile. https://dev.keyb.io

Hoping to setup grafana under devember to get a real time dashboard and track traffic and server usage.

project thread Keyb.io pcpartpicker for keyboards RELEASED

EDIT: I moved the update to a new post Welcome to Level1 Devember!


That sounds amazing!
You should put up a thread dedicated to the project. I’d love to follow along on updates.

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I posted the project thread at the end of the last post. :smile:

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Hahaha I guess I skim too fast :wink:

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Here is my devember project. It’s an installer for blind users to get arch up and running without spending days trying to figure out how to enable speech services and the like.


Here is the link for my Devember project.
The plan is to create a gift exchange platform (think secret santa) whilst learning Go and Vue


My Devember goal is to implement a Puyo Puyo style game using Rust with the embedded-graphics crate on a development board running a GD32 RISC-V microcontroller with a tiny little ~1 inch 160x80 LCD screen (the Sipeed Longan Nano.)

I’ve got a post over on Community Blogs, but can’t link here.

Don’t expect my code to be especially “idiomatic” Rust, I’m not a software engineer- just a guy trying to get something to work without the standard library or an allocator. My current code is more like two different prototypes that I need to get working together- so no github link yet (if I could post links. :D)


For Devember 2020, I created a supercut of “protips” from the Level 1 News!

I use youtube-dl to download the auto-generated captions and a python script to search for the phrase “protip” and download/trip the episodes to the correct timestamps. Hope you all enjoy!


As with a lot of these tutorial type things, the biggest problem I have is finding a problem to solve. If anyone could suggest some topics that I could use to kickstart my voyage into this new cloud based thingy. Without the crazy problems thrown at you in a commercial space, coming up with yet another “bubblesort” is just a real pain. Again any help would be appreciated.

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