pcpartpicker for keyboards RELEASED

A while ago (8 months) I started working on a side project that I am trying to urgently get to MVP this month.

Think pcpartpicker but for custom keyboards.

  • community parts on the site
  • build submissions, these directly connect to build parts
  • filter builds based on parts
  • collaborate over part specifications and builds.
  • markdown support all around

This has been a dream of mine for a while, to have a DIY site where users can collaborate, heavily inspired by some of the following sites:

The frontend is built using Next.js server-side rendering react framework providing a router and a single page application out of the box. Hosted on

Backend is built with Nestjs, think spring boot for node. Now hosted on AWS on ECS, this connects to a mongo database that is hosted on mongo atlas (rip wallet for both services)

Keycloak is used for authentication and identity management, deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a steam identity manager as keycloak don’t support steam out of the box.

The project is currently unreleased

Here is the dev URL in the meanwhile.

Any feedback is appreciated, I am trying to get the MVP done by the end of November


That’s awesome. I will definitely be checking this out.


You can already checkout the dev link in the OP :smile:

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The time has come, I have made the production site online. Under the domain

I haven’t started advertising as I need more builds on the site

Come and post your keyboard builds


In the current MVP version I have:

  • Submit keyboard parts switches/boards/keycaps (more part types to come with in-house pictures and tests).
  • Submitting keyboard builds, the users can tag their builds by using already submitted parts.
  • Find builds based on a specific part.
  • Find builds based on combinations of parts.
  • Over 730 parts. (200 more waiting processing)
  • Steam/Google/Email auth with 2fa option

Planned features:

  • Discord bot
  • Submit part specifications using a simple part template that supports exactly what the part supports
  • Board schematics
  • Datasheets
  • Switch sound recordings
  • Switch force curve analysis (hopefully)
  • Part spec comparison
  • Inhouse images and tests

Come and post your keyboard builds

v0.2 - 17.7.2021

Added loading progress bar
Ability to upload public/private QMK configuration
Ability to create public builds
Ability to use URL-s in builds
New 4 headers
New nav bar with parts dropdown
Draft builds
User events for comment replies and moderator approvals
Push notifications

Disabled upvoting on your own post/comment
Layout difference on mobile and desktop
Removed rounded corners
Markdown images