The Tek 0220: FBI VS Privacy VS Sanity VS Jesus VS Godzilla VS Earthworm Jim | Tek Syndicate

No, I don't want them to be defined by a genre. But to encompass more than one of them, and that would be dependent on what type of game it is. But being defined by a genre would almost be like that genre limiting that game, which could prevent it from doing or being something innovative.

I'm not so sure about that. I prefer if the checkpoint itself be changed to a different location or allow ourselves to set a certain number of saves we get to have before we play the game. Your idea is fine but it sounds a little risky, just saying.

Most games already do that. I can see plenty of games on Steam where the devs advertise the game as more than one genre. Example: A game called NeonXSZ for example is advertised as a First Person Shooter, Action Role Playing Game, and Six Degrees of Freedom. The Division would be considered a third-person shooter, open world RPG.

I was saying that as an option if someone wanted to challenge themselves by going through a mission with the risk of no checkpoints. If you die/fail, you start the level/mission all over again. There should be an option of having the normal amount, a limited amount, or none if you are crazy.

Yes he does, that's just something that's spouted around those who know his ideas from their leftist media and not the source. He's got a site, and even better, a book called "Crippled America" which I've personally read. Just because you're too lazy, or want him to come to your house and personally lay out his plans to you, is not his fault.

They can voice their political opinions all they want, but they're inviting political discussion on a tech forum, which they themselves have rules against. It's a common courtesy thing, and they have nothing to gain, but something to lose.

I also would say it's a problem when you have popular channels that have an area of expertise that is in something far away from politics, starts spouting their political opinions, then that just helps to spread misinformation and create a largely false judgement on something based solely on regurgitated, misinformed criticisms. Just part of academic integrity, not to get your information from biased sources.

Such as? Please don't just make claims with no evidence, it makes you sound foolish.

A person who may have graduated from a top university doesn't exempt them from being an idiot nor does it state their overall intelligence.

Actually, it does just that. Top universities require a high overall intelligence just to be admitted.

As for their degrees, Trump was in Economics, which was the degree to many of the best presidents in history, such as Reagan. While I can agree that Carson specialization doesn't parallel with the job of a president very well, economics does.

Either way, you're making the bold claims, and the burden of proof is on you to give actual evidence as to your claims, which people never do.

I don't know wth was going on with the video & audio but who cares as the content was good. Tek Syndicate thanks for another great show. As for commenting on the content I already knew the world was ** before much of what was said here in the video and for me to spend significant time commenting on it well it would only make me depressed and I mean really depressed. Oh but as for commenting on fluff the open world video game thing well Ubi** the only thing they're good at is lying & disappointing customers with their downgraded visuals. Ok well maybe Ubi** does some things right but to me the best open world game to play right now is Dying Light from Techland/Warner Bros. Interactive entertainment & for me unlike what you all said in the video I am happy with what we get from open world games now. As for them getting better in the future well I hope they would as we should be able to make progress on such things over time.

Comcast bailed on them last minute and pushed back their internet install. They were planning to not have a tek at all last week, but they cobbled a setup together and made it work the best it could.

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Games and voices is so hard. You would think talking is much easier than video. Making a an app that makes a believable voice as a person will change the world. Sorry actors. You would be redundant.

I think sound might be a more primal sense and therefore built into us to check.

Last time I checked, colleges don't require you to post your IQ score to get in. For top universities, its actually more like having an extremely high GPA, high SAT/ACT test scores, some noteworthy credentials and achievements you made in high school. With all of that, you might have a chance of getting in and when you do, you need to fork over a shitload of money for tuition, either from your own pocket or grants. Having a high GPA/grades doesn't necessarily correlate to high intelligence. A person getting a 4.0 in reality means someone did a shit ton of work to get high grades (not saying there aren't smart people with 4.0s).

As for evidence on Ben Carson's idiotic claims:

I expect a person who is educated from a science background running for office would be promoting science but many of his claims are basically anti-science and factually wrong. This is not a person I would ever vote for President despite his neurosurgeon credentials.

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Correct, blame Comcast, they are always at fault. I blame them for everything. When other folks are "thanks Obama!" I'm "Thanks Comcast!"


could be multiple combinations of many things. Hardware/Software/Internet. I'm not going to pass any king of gradeschool judgement on mah boys, and girl(s) Jenny makes for two so yes plural. I'm amazazed in the middle of of move they said, sure, lets do it. why the fuck not. I has a visual of them laughing .. Qain hitting the button. " Oh shit, we're streaming". Logan goin " dman it all, into the void or, something. really, we'er live? " I like this crew.
So, I'm not push'n shit. I'm hope'n they take, you Qain, this year to focus on what ever nutty production values have've discussed over a few shots and put into play as you get there.. This year should be about hocus focus. Focus as in it's important. Hocus as in in have the best time, fun, you can. or suffer the rath of the Burnout Lord.
Like they said in Dune.. the slow blade. That shit took a lot of focus, concentration. ehem. Don't get ahead of yourelves with too lofty dreams. or mine me steps. lol. This is your year. Stay with root. build slowly.

Now, I had tweeted/politiced many times over the last several months, almost a year for a Rant Thirty seg vid to itself. got mah wish. Thank you guys. But had thought of your old shows, segways to Rant thirty. Wendellman nailed my thoughts last show. Rant 30 (sec). Use it. two ways. as a 30 secong rant..and an invite to the #) Rant(min) show. There is the third way.. lol Rant thirty game show. complete with buzzers of whatever sfx. 30 seconds for each contestant to answer......hahaha could be inbox exe. or.. live stream questions. whatever. point is, I'm laughing but think it could be good shit.

Give yourself this year to nail a lot,hopefully most, of your production values. Most importantly, whatever that may end up being, I love you. I'd be Qains, Logans, Pistol, Wendell 's wingman any day.

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I think I noticed far too late, but didn't @DeusQain use to have a wizardly beard of some sort?
I also hope the Tek crew doesn't get as stressed with the new office, the last few Teks have been all serious and not as much fun.

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Japan would buy yahoo. It's the #1 site there.


You comments about people who watch Fox News believe and repeat it as truth is just stupid.
As if CNN, MSCNB, Huffingtonpost report the truth?

Stick to what you know and keep your uninformed childish comments out of the program.

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Yeah, mainstream politics are their weak point

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I think FOX News has become a bit of a catch-all term for popular news media in general. They used to be the poster child for this sort of thing, but I'm sure that most people agree that all popular media outlets are biased and report the news with at least a hint of their own agendas baked in.

At no point did we say CNN, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost (really??) Were purveyors of truth.

I used to work for a Fox affiliate, I can tell you, then and now, they are terrible.
I don't hold the others much better.

We all know the best sources of news, John Stewart, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert.


07:02 of the video. Did @wendell say "nuance" and was he talking about Nuance Communications, I can see how that company could somehow be part of the situation... or am I just hearing things?

microsoft could buy etc...



I would have to disagree with your claims, degrees and high scores do not indicate intelligence (and it also depends on what type of intelligence we are talking about and how you quantify that).
there are many other variables at play here (look at the problems with developing IQ scores alone) such us socio-econ, prior education, etc etc which all mean that someone would have a greater/lesser chance of doing well on these tests, but that does not mean someone who scores badly is not intelligent either...and vice versa (ps i have seen the criteria for some degrees in the US....and lol...can't claim to talk about them all....)

as for your trump comments.... if trump had of left his inheritance in indexed fund he would be substantially richer now than before... trump got to where he is because yes he is not THE dumbest person, but more because he has wealth to start with....
( )

I do call Trump an idiot based on his notions of how the world operates (or rather lack there of) he is an idiot because the things he promotes lack political foresight and have great potential to harm America severely (and I'm not American)

ps if you are going to use the authority fallacy to refute the claims i make - like you did to the others - i have majors in psychology and government (international security and policy/analysis etc) and work in the field....

also a good book to start looking at the basic concepts (before looking at peer reviewed research - where psychology focuses heavily on the development/fostering of IQ and how to quantify it) would be "Guns, Germs and Steel"

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