The Tek 0220: FBI VS Privacy VS Sanity VS Jesus VS Godzilla VS Earthworm Jim | Tek Syndicate

See, this is why people don't take you seriously. Always starting with that silly fallacy that isn't based on anything but your ass. You're only saying this because you're too stupid to understand how much of a hyped up salesman that Trump is. And I don't think you really know "why" Tek Syndicate discourages politics in their streams. It's not because people argue over it (with their personal bias), but because politics divides people into being against each other. If you think spamming is bad, just wait until a flame war erupts in chat. That's why Pistol uploaded that video cut of her indirectly referencing that. And I don't want one to erupt here, so don't get mad over me rejecting your chosen candidate.

Wow, another silly comment from a fool that doesn't get it. Also nice fallacy by the way.

Since when? Where did you get this lie from?

Subjective statement, not a fact.

Actually only governorship, business managers, and military commanders parallel with the presidency job. Economics only teaches you how to understand the yays and nos with running an economy. Trump can run a business but business isn't government. Sorry


I have been saying this for years. Eventually you will get a box with one connection going into it that will feed your house with internet, phone, cable and what ever may come out in the future. Now look at it this way the box is connected through fiber to the outside world that has slots for module you then get or rent a module that slide into the box for what you want.

the dmv. most times you just sit there for about 4 hours if you even get it renewed and dont have to come back tomorrow.

See I don't really buy that he is in anyway truthful about the things he has said. His record shows a much different person than the one he is trying to sell.

In the end he is selling a product and happens to be the product.

Also funny is that he has cut out the Superpac middle man. Why fund someone when you can do it yourself? This will influence other elections.

yea i actually agree, i think he would not do/be able to do 80% of the things he wants. the only thing i would add is that with politics especially international relations it is 80% about what everyone else thinks. ie the governmental example that highlights this perfectly is
prisoners dillemma
stag hunt
( )

and thats the problem with trump.... if he is not as predictable/etc it actually becomes a bigger issue and has impacts not just on a global scale but a local one....

re super pacs...... should be removed..... as should donations in general.... my personal opinion that is ( i see it starting to get a hold in aus, and its fucking abysmal) but then remains the qu of how it is then funded... that becomes harder to judge/define..... but it should be largely removed....

to do with the record he has/doesn't have thats kind of a big point too, yes he's selling a product and he is better at it than the others he stands against, but that's why I see Bernie as a 'breath of fresh air' because he comes as is, isn't trying to sell himself but his concepts/policy etc, and the only one that is doing so.... (despite some disagreements I have here and there)..... its then a matter if he can get anything through (bill wise), which to be honest, he has shown he is very capable of (amendment king?).....

IMO - if bernie loses Hilary wins but is knocked out in 3 yrs......won't win the incumbent..... Bernie wins, in for it all (barring some catastrophies :P )

no matter how you look at it, this is dangerous;

mainstream politict aren't they're waek points. it's just a question of time to follow up on events as some unfold day to day rapidly. hey maybe the update to the Rant:30 . and they do that as shit happens. happy us crap happens every day. They have inbox exe../. which more of you should go and participate. Me.. the rant thirty is a developing story. hard to nail down how the follow ups should happen. but they need to happen. even if they have to shoot themselves in the foot.. Qain opens mouth.. a billion bees take over..WE Are Tek Hive. We are Tek. we are having a synopsys test party. would you like to come and dance with us

Is this real life?


I'm just a poor boy

well, based on how super tuesday is shaping up . . . likely so

You guys should make the Rant 30 stuff its own video series. I'm currently likung the new format on YouTube from this Tek.

Agree, it's the all new GuerillaTek ®©™ from a mobile, makeshift, & roving location, dodging between pylons under bridges and sporting the latest in TinFoil accoutré.