The Tek 0220: FBI VS Privacy VS Sanity VS Jesus VS Godzilla VS Earthworm Jim | Tek Syndicate

Another DuckDuckGo user checking in.

I love the YT comments make my day every time .

Trump is an idiot, which is why he was a straight A student in one of the most prestigious universities in the country while studying economics. He's definitely eccentric, but in no way is he dumb. It's stupidly ignorant to say that. This is not a political channel, so please don't bring your political opinions into it. Keep thinking he got to where he is by just hurp durping into life, just keep those ideas to yourself please.

Also use DuckDuckGo.

Firstly the episode was great. You made the best out of what was there, and I got a banana (@wendell threw it in when the connection was kinda bad).

As far as search engines go... I do use google because duckduckgo kinda doesn't do it for me, no fancy advanced (hidden) search features. They are young, that I understand. And as far as I have tested, their correction algorithm still needs tuning.

It does, if you go to plain (and redirects to ssl). BUT as far as i know does not and furthermore, or at work as intended and do not redirect you to your regional server, allowing you to click at: offered in: French

to switch to french! (not that anyone would like that) - and as I have just recognized, it remembers your choice, from now on when searching from that domain, you always get the replies in that language!

As for the AI thing in games. This. will be awesome. Once every character is like a simulation game character with full backstory from birth till now and changes that directly influence him and his surroundings. You to be able to indirectly interact with the world like a creator, then zoom in and do quests as lets say a fallen angel (just one concept that came into mind).
@Ilya_Naydov thanks for pointing at Dwarf Fortress, looks very interesting.

Hope to see the usual quality next time and keep pointing at bad guys/stuff + good thinks we might have overseen due to too much information floating around.


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Not 100% true. When i type it always throws me on although if i specifically type then it will go to the french server. I tried it just now.

I just found out that you can't really use Google search with Tor. After like 30s the web changes to CAPTCHA screen that keep infinitely refreshing. No matter how many times i complete it won't let me through.

The FBI can get a warrant. They don't need a backdoor The entire argument is stupid. Also the U.S is funding ISIS to overthrow the secular democrat dictator Basher Al Assad.

I use Duckduckgo, I like the fact that they aren't tracking me

yes, I did mean that by saying:

About the Tor problem ... that might be because there are a lot of accesses to google over the exit node or your exit node changes and google doesn't like that
(I am not too aware of how Tor changed in the last few years because I think using it is nonsense, at least when DNS requests are made by system that does that over non-Tor network, or other stuff that we hopefully soon know, (like how the fbi got hold of pedophiles over Tor when running that website)

Another hint when using Tor: Always see that your connection to the outer end is encrypted. Some exit nodes are known to modify their traffic, so you get malware over .exe, .pdf or such!

uummm...I know that. Downloading files is fine but you should never open PDF while being in Tor browser. Also logging into accounts that don't have https: is risky too.

Nice forest you've got there guys.

Btw, the video was horrible, so at least I didn't watch it and did more work.

Yeah he IS an idiot. He has NO plans on how to specifically implement any of his so called policies. Nor does he even bother to try, unlike former governors who are currently running against him. No all he has is some arrogant edgy ways of grabbing media attention whenever possible. And on The Tek, these guys have the right to voice their opinions whenever they want, regardless if you like it or not. So keep your butthurt to yourself and realize that these guys aren't being stupid nor slandering Trump. Just rejecting him and television media in general.

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When it comes to the future of gaming, it depends on what we're dealing with. First the business side of it needs to change or be cleaned up. Because the greed is ruining gaming, especially if you count the newer and newer games that are or will be coming out. Then we need to redesign the game format so that they'll be made into either its own genre or made to work for its multi-genre elements of gameplay and/or interaction. The difficulty thing has been modified every once in a while but not in a way that makes sense nor realistic. They would have to change that so that it wouldn't piss off nor stress the player [too much]. The difficulty settings should be more customizable so that a person might not want any mercy loopholes or even change the play of a certain type of enemy. Hell, I want to have good AI whether it's my allies or enemies. Not having higher difficulties retard my comrades into being stupid or killing me by mistake. The story part of it will change from the forced dichotomy of either having a main story or having none at all. And it's funny because both can make open world games boring, regardless of the type of gamer someone might be or what their mood is at the moment. I think main stories should more like main goals or long term ones that affect a certain timeline or whatnot. Making your own main story or goals can be more attractive for some players. Now I think the weapon issue (two main weapons vs limitless set) might have already been addressed a year ago. But future games should allow you to either let you decide your limit manually or have "bags" to carry that allow you to have more than your current limit. The bags themselves can be different so that you have to pick which bag is right for your equipment use and so on. The future of gaming should a bigger thing than what some of these web reports and personal interviews go on. There is so much more.

DuckDuckGo FTW

Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon and also has many doctorate degrees...but he still speaks a ton of crazy, unproven, and plain idiotic stuff that no sane rational person would believe.

A person who may have graduated from a top university doesn't exempt them from being an idiot nor does it state their overall intelligence.

I definitely have to agree with you on that. I find it strange that AAA publishers are not willing to try something new because it would be too risky and lose a ton of money but then they put tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars on safe bet ideas so they are almost guarantee to make a profit. I mean, why does any game they develop have to be that much money? What's wrong with giving a studio hundreds of thousands or a couple million dollars on a new idea and see how it will fair? It can't be that devestating. Can someone who knows business or the executive world enlighten me on this?
I also think that the higher ups should give more creative control and freedom to the developers of these games and keep their meddling to a minimal. It's not to say that Executive Meddling is always bad as their are sitiuations where it has turn out for the better.

I don't understand your statement. Do you mean games that are defined by multiple genres?

I wish difficulty was bounded by how competent the AI is (without being cheap), rather than just increase stats on enemies to make them overpowered bullet sponges. This method won't work for every game but it would be cool to see implemented in the future.
I would totally like difficulty to be customizable rather than be a preset option. What if I want to turn off checkpoint and lower the rate of resources dropped in a game but still want to face the same normal enemies and not the advance ones? It would be pretty cool in my opinion.

It's DMV, which stands for Department of Motor Vehicles. In some states it's called the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Or m.v.d. motor vehicles department

maybe AT&T will by Yahoo why not They bought all the small wireless companies and they bought up DirectTV. They need to do something to complete with Google.