The Leader in Silicon Manufacturing Wins Again: NVIDIA Buys Arm

Remeber this?
Beginning of the end…

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Pls help I cant into sarcasm.

In any case, most vendors have perpetual licenses are should not be threatened by the big green eye of envy.

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I bet Apple is thrilled about this.

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They have a permanent license along Qualcomn, Samsung and others. I would be more worried about smaller vendors like Broadcom. Raspberry Pis might be the ones in danger.

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How is Nvidia the leader in silicon manufacturing? Wouldnt that be TSMC? Nvidia doesnt even own a fab to manufacture silicon


I guess this could speed up the adoption of RISC-V with these smaller vendors.

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Done deal.

Not sure what this will mean for ARM in the future, but possibly good things?

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Love the title: the leader in silicone manufacturing… What have TSMC done again?

No it’s not… At all ahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


How come?

Gsync on mobile :heart_eyes:


Now that would be sweet.

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How is this a win? Getting ARM in the … ARMS (get it) … of a notoriously locked garden approach company is not a good thing…

I will say the same thing I said before - Nvidia have killed pretty much everything they have touched other than GPUs…
PhysX - ded…
Gsync is following close…
ShadowPlay is pretty much ded…
Tegra is dragging face down on the ground…
Shield and all the other side projects - pretty ded…
RTX is closely behind. When the generic DX12 ray tracing starts getting used the proprietary RTX will go the same route as the proprietary Gsync and the proprietary PhysX and all the rest.

So no, having ARM in the hands of Nvidia does not look like a huge win at all to me.

I could be wrong, but I really don’t see Nvidia not messing with ARM and ruining it.


Especially when XboXseX and DX12 use the same ray tracing (which I am pretty sure Microsoft and AMD will do)


Even RTX uses DX12 ray tracing… Battlefield 5 RTX update literally had to wait on Microsoft to update DX12 with the ray tracing update so they can turn RTX on…

Yes, Xbox uses literally DirectX12…

To be fair, I am not worried about what Nvidia will do with ARM when it comes to new stuff… I am worried about how Nvidia will mess with the current stuff ARM does…

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Y’all do realize that there is no such thing as “proprietary ray tracing”. All games use directx/vulkan/opengl for ray tracing. Nvidia just calls their implementation RTX.

And guess who’s developing the open standard extensions for opengl & vulkan to support ray tracing? Yep, nvidia.

I’m the first to critisize nvidia when they do something proprietary but this is just plain ridiculous.


You do know there is a proprietary algorithm being calculated by proprietary hardware? Yes, you can throw the algorithm at any hardware, but it’s not DX ray tracing. It is different.

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By that logic rasterization is also proprietary. I don’t see anybody complain about that

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It served its purpose to push physics calculations on to GPUs. Payed off massively for their professional offerings.

The shield is doing fine on the TV side and basically the only thing driving Andriod TV forward. Andriod tablets in general are dead, Google shifted focus to ChromeOS on tablet.

Nintendo Switch is an abject failure and didn’t sale at all. :roll_eyes:

OK… We shall see… Time will tell… I said my opinion.

The problem is the way the RT cores by Nvidias own words are best leveraged via their OptiX API, which is off course used by GameWorks (the wonderful package that never was bad for performance).

So best case, Microsoft helps to get games to use the DX12 way to do Raytracing and Nvidia optimizes for that.

With the history, Nvidia, Sony and Microsoft will all do a silly fight and performance will be shit and adoption will be similar to VR.

I think we should take this to PM.

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