Sysadmin Mega Thread

That’s fine. The more options the better. Just looking for some generally solid recos.

The patching schedule is TOO DAMN HIGH.


Wish I had found this earlier in my auditd journey.

Spent a good amount of time on this.

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IPMI is such trash :expressionless:


Oh yeah, very familiar with that problem. Try IPMIView.

That is IPMIView D:
Well, it’s iKVM which was launched by IPMIView.
I’ve seen IPMIView have the embedded display too but for some reason with this box IPMIView just has a button to launch iKVM. /shrug

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Is this a decent place to ask if anyone has the libvirt XML magic to use a zvol as a disk? I can do it using the libvirt storage pool ZFS backend, but I just want to use the raw device because the ZFS storage backend for libvirt is lacking.

I tried this:

                <disk type='block' device='disk'>
                        <source dev='/dev/${voldev}'/>
                        <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

The config validates but at start I get libvirt.libvirtError: unsupported configuration: unsupported disk type

edit: this seems to be working

                <disk type='file' device='disk'>
                        <driver name='bhyve' type='raw'/>
                        <source file='/dev/${voldev}'/>
                        <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

edit 2:
jk still doesn’t work

edit 3:
actually maybe it worked

edit 4:
it’s not complaining about the disk anymore, but it’s not working either

edit 5:

edit 6:
it works. also this works

    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <source file='/dev/zvol/zroot/bhyve/12.1-STABLE/r354051/disk0'/>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

I was missing UEFI firmware blobs.

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Get to tweak auto scaling for Fargate tommorow.

Isn’t zvol a native storage backend for bhyve?

Or is it just the libvirt part that’s not connecting the 2?

Bhyve isn’t the issue, it doesn’t need any special configuration to use zvols. I was just fighting with libvirt.

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Oh that’s weird. Is it new enough to have the html5 option? Those work really well. The older stuff has quirks.

It’s old :confused:

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I see. And you want to use libvirt for easy management?

This seems pretty definitive to me. Have you seen anyone say it works?

I want to use libvirt for easy integration with existing software.
It’s already required a few improvements to the bhyve backend for libvirt, which I hope to upstream eventually.

ryan@mp03:~ % virsh list
 Id      Name                           State
 18487   FreeBSD-12_1-STABLE-r354051    running
 18520   FreeBSD-13_0-CURRENT-r354057   running

Got that part working now. Again. I had it working already with a slightly different configuration. Now it’s not using libvirt to manage the storage pool, and I have scripted the generation of the VM images from whatever latest FreeBSD snapshots are available.

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But once you can use libvirt on FreeBSD, what will people use Linux for?

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That’s my next task once I get all this working: adding Linux VM templates. Gotta make sure things work for Linux too


it works but it doesn’t make me happy

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