Star Wars: Rogue One: Who's Going?!

Ah. I thought you meant the Bane novel trilogy :( I never watched the clone wars - not a big animated TV show fan. I thought it was pretty hilarious that that show was included in canon while the novels were largely removed.

For the love of pete, why? This type of thing just kills me :D

OR..... one could say we were saved. After all, it would have been under full Lucas control. With the success of Disney's other properties, like Daredevil/Jessica Jones on Netflix, you can bet we will get a SW live action series, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was released on Netflix, and not ABC.

No...I don't want a live action series, now that Disney owns Lucasfilm and all its IP.

Yeah, well the show was made by Lucas et al, so they kind of needed to make it canon to save face. To be honest it's really good for a kid's show. Nothing like Avatar, but good. The main character is a bit of a plot point for the first couple seasons, she's just there to give anakin some humanity (since we didn't get to see any of anakin being not a psychopath in the movies). But some of the stories are very good in the later seasons.

Ohh, I thought he was talking about Rebels, not The Clone Wars. I liked Clone Wars, and it got progressively darker with more mature themes as it went on...and they did it without compromising their primary audience, children!

Can't say that I've ever wanted a live action TV series. I never wanted that when Lucas had the rights to the IP either as I thought something like that would really dilute the canon (which is why I didn't follow the Clone Wars series). Star Wars is not Marvel - however, I think the IP will turn into something very similar under Disney.

I suppose that's a difference of opinion. Marvel is amazing, how much they have been able to do to make a consistent universe with a ton of movies. In my opinion, the prequels kind of ruined the Star Wars IP for me. There were good things happening in the EU from a few writers, but the stuff being made by LucasFilm was honestly bad. Shallow stories, boring characters that lacked motivation, horrible dialogue, flashy lights for the sake of flashy lights.

If the price of getting a thoroughly interesting and expansive universe in film form is blowing up the EU to give Disney room to work, I'm glad they sacrificed it.

Some updates! the first full trailer will likely drop in July, during Star Wars Celebration.

Here is a lot more info.

Ya man, just saw Apocalypse and I don't think anything has exceeded expectation since the matrix (IMO). Marvel has always been the leader. Personally, all avengers stuff, as a whole, I could do without. Brian Singer is the man.

No one knows a way to take a franchise character and run it into the ground better than DC. DC needs to get there * together

X-men & Star Wars, that's my Jam

All Done

I don't know if sarcastic..... or genuine.....

Regardless, Apocalypse was not Marvel.

Not sarcastic. And I'm pretty sure X-Men: Apocalypse is Marvel studios, correct me if I'm wrong. I've been waiting for an Apocalypse movie since the mid -90s.

Nope. 20th Century Fox distributed it.

Fox has Xmen, Deadpool, and Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer.

Sony has Spiderman. (However.... They made a deal with Marvel that basically they are rebooting spiderman, and Marvel may use that same spidey in their films)

Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Blade, all those DID belong to other studios, but the rights have since reverted back to Marvel (as is evident in the Daredevil series on Netflix).

This fragmentation within Marvel properties is no more evident than with the hole Quick Silver/Scarlet Witch thing. In the comics, both are the children of magneto, and mutants. There is a Quicksilvr in the Xmen movies, but it is not the same as the one in Avengers 2. And the Avengers twins are not mutants (rather they are experiments) and Magneto is obviously not their father, as the Xmen don't exist in that verse.

This picture sums it up.

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im more hype about this movie than i was for force awakens lol

how is dc structured?

Did you like the movie?

i had problems with it, was okay but kinda, eh

As far as I know, DC is entirely owned by Warner Brothers. However, they didn't set up a shared universe until recently, so Superman '78, Nolan's Batman, etc, do not live in the same universe.

Right now, there are two official shared universes. DC television universe with Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow; and the film universe, with Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Justice League. (Flash is part of both, but, frustratingly, played by different actors.)

Ya so DC sucks

Some people are never happy. Was it really THAT bad. It's hard to cram apocalypse into one (2hr) movie. He could have a 3 part movie series unto himself. If they put that much time, money, and effort into a movie and everyone goes, Meh! They won't make them any more.

Unfortunately, yeah, dc is in a bad place right now. They just hired a Kevin Feige kind of guy to coordinate the films, so it'll hopefully get better from now on.

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