Star Wars: Rogue One: Who's Going?!

Ya to me the DC characters are played out. At least the X-Men franchise is carefully being spent.

We need a new thread.

BA! that made me laugh lol

I believe he was talking about Force Awakens, and was that bad.

I think you guys are in the minority on that one lol

92% on Rotten Tomatoes, and basically everyone i know loved it, including a person who hated the original star wars.
I saw it 7 times in theaters, in multiple formats. Safe to say i loved it :P

Probably so. I'd be interested in seeing stats from the subset of people who were SW fans before the prequels were released and then comparing that to the like/dislike ratio from the full pie. I would think that the like/dislike ratio would be skewed towards like for most newer fans.

The folks I know who were big EU fans (Like myself) hated it, but that's probably to be expected :D

An unpopular, yet critically acclaimed work doesn't make it good; a popular, yet critically panned work doesn't make it bad.

Comparing to the prequels, it is an improvement. VII was just setting the scene and narrative for VIII & IX. Again, I think expectations of the public (star wars geeks) are too high. JJ Abrams hit his mark. Just a movie, can't get to serious. Neigh say all you want but no one is 100% happy of all the time.

Just to add, Carrie Fischer wasn't bad in the deleted scenes. It's unfortunate that the stuff left in wasn't that great.

OK, did anyone else notice that the theatre 3D glasses styling CHANGED and now is quite similar to JJ. Abrams' personal frames. Riiiiiiiight!!!

Yeah. I loved many aspects of the EU, but i also understand why they HAD to do what they did. There really wasn't any room in the remaining Luke years to tell a grand trilogy.

I guess i am in the minority of EU fans who is actually okay, and glad, they did what they did lol

But Force Awakens soesn't fall under either of those. It is popular and critically acclaimed. :P

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Count me in, for the witch hunt.

Revan and friends were awesome, as was Thrawn. I really hope they get turned back into canon. Like some star wars podcast people are saying, I think a Game of Thrones or House of Cards kind of show about the politics in the old republic would be awesome.

Post-episode-6 EU was shit. Luke, Luuke, Palpatine's fifty clones, etc. I'm glad it was removed to make way for the movies.

but . . .

? :D

Also, I, Jedi; The Jedi Academy Trilogy, the Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy, X-Wing series . . . plenty of good stuff post Ep VI, but yes, things did get a bit out of hand once things moved to the new jedi order era.

I liked Star Wars Legacy :)

The funny thing is that sooo many of the YouTube vlog'ers have really great plot ideas!! I feel bad for the studios that are basically getting out paced, in terms of writing, by the hardcore Star Wars fans.

I liked looper but my mind wasn't as blown as others I think.

If they pander to the lowest common denominator, like describing via a mini-lecture on what the "FORCE" is (again), or mimic any previous star wars movie plot, or go for a soft movie rating. I will leave it back in the 80s with my child hood.

My only expectation is that they don't F-it up.

BTW, if you look up Rogue One on IMDB. James Earls Jones is listed as Voice actor. When was that added?

It has been known for some time that Vader will be in it. He supposedly has a pretty brutal scene that may or may not include him using a dead-or-alive stormtrooper as a shield. He is even in the official artwork i posted not too long ago.

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please don't use that dirty word :D I'll continue just calling the rebranded "legacy" content as "EU".

I was actually referring to the Comic series known as Star Wars Legacy <.<

I have issue 0-13 and then up to 21, i think, missing a few in between.

also, i believe you thought i said 'Legends' lol

Battlefield 2 coming next year, with content from the new films (hopefully Rogue One beach missions too), and it seems they claim to be listening to the fans. seeing as how they laid a lot of ground work already, i'm sure that the next one will have more content than the current one.

Really excited about the new Visceral Games title.