Small youtube channels that you think should have more subscribers/views or find intresting

Million Dollar Extreme. Crazy bastards with their own TV show on adult swim:

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Guy only has 914 subs.... but the videos are mad like a bigger channel

does retro review on Monday I guess

also does this in case you missed it thing

Declassified Systems, he's a PC modder and have done some amazing mod designs. He makes SingularityComputers (who consists of a team) a run for their money.

His table desktop PC is amazing.

He mods the little details, including the stock SLI bridge, and the practical implementation of hydraulics is amazing.

Again, amazing use and incorporation of the hydraulics into the design.

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Noah Caldwell-Gervais, does long form essays of critique, he has the articulacy and eloquence of Adam Sessler back when he was still writing reviews for G4. He dissects what makes a game tick, and he's done it on a few interesting games such as:

Mafia Series

Fallout 4

Mad Max

Alien series

The guy interviews interesting people, creators of both classic and current games. Some names are very recognizable. Not many views, but this is the one games-related channel I've watched almost every video on.

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@Blunderbuss love his stuff

@Giulianno_D Noah is awesome, I posted some of his stuff at the top of the post. Will be interesting to see his on the road stuff

His voice is amazing and he got some quality videos up. He works for but this is his own personal channel.

Redundancy is my middle name, but sorry 'bout that.

This channel is good; unfortunately, he doesn't upload that often.

Pretty much everything on this channel is amazing.

Well tbh if I set this up right all channels would be in the OP

But ya know I don't think ahead so lol

I don’t know how SsethTzeentach doesn’t have a mil subs

And Kruggsmash has the best DF videos, does original art for all his vids and really gets into the story telling. Only 35k?? Its crazy how much work he puts in.

MajorKill does funny/informative videos on warhammer lore.

I love this. Thanks

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Pretty good stuff


This speaks to my minimalism so hard that I almost wanna do it myself.


This is one of my favorite channels. Phil is awesome with his knowledge of older pc hardware.

Indigo Gaming has done some amazing videos, at 66k his level of polish and info is staggering.

one month

Akbkuku mostly does stuff with older computers and electronics.

Robert Miles does AI stuff, and REALLY needs more subs

Zepherus does videos mostly about history, probably closest to the style of Wendover productions, unfortunately, he does not upload regularly.

Mathias Fritsche does orchestral instrumental covers.

Isaac Arthur is a little on the larger side but definitely should have more subs.