Raze The World - Clean Slate

@Logan i'd like to add that we didn't appreciate the way you dismissed Qain as insignificant and untrustworthy in your twit longer. We watch his vlogs and a lot of us talk to him in discord. He has been with you for 10 years. the way you spoke about him was petty and unacceptable


The situation practically begs for nasty-divorce metaphors.

Will the kids be forced to live with 1 of the parents?




oh god torgue

this is not the place

banned in 5..4..3..2


Agreed, however I am now asking myself "how much of what he said in the past, was him simply pandering to us, to gain our trust?".

@kewldude007 Indeed. I would not expect anything different from her, because she strikes me as that kind of person. Very emotional, and not afraid to get "nasty" quickly. Not judging her for that, as I can understand it. Getting down and dirty with a troll, can be quite cathartic. That's one of the appeals of the internet. You can get quite nasty, and sling massive insults and be aggressive and insulting in a way that you would never do face to face, in real life.

BUT, it's not the type of behavior one wants, in someone who is in a position of authority. I'm sorry but it's just not.

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Joined Three days ago

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Myself and others would argue that your new "vision" is clouded, very clouded. It felt like you single handedly knocked down everything you built in a single day, that includes the community that trusted and respected you. I am proud of the amount of time I put into this forum because I loved your content and more so the community built around it.

But to say that I am disappointed and pissed off is an understatement. The way you acted was out of line and honestly childish. You need thick skin to be in the position that you are at, and boy its going to have be a lot thicker.

I never thought of the day that something like this would happen and I'm honestly still in shock. You blind sided two of your co-hosts and the community. And to ask for a clean slate is almost laughable. I really cannot see a genuine apology from you that will mean much, it would only provide some closure.

I hope you can find yourself the door.


yep, I like how he fits the personality

super wrong place to do it

if someone could take care of this string of unrelated posts that would be great

I'm also gonna be blunt.

You've always made yourself out to be a proponent of freedom of speech and all that.
This weekend you abused your admin rights to silence those that asked questions, effectively trying to censor them. When Eden called you out on it, you removed all mods and admins and shut down the forum. Then you blamed it all on Qain leaving and even have the balls to say that you didn't mean to shut down the forum even though you threatened to do just that shortly beforehand.

By censoring people that had legitimate concerns, you betrayed a lot of what you've been preaching for years. You also betrayed the community you helped create. Those things, and especially the second one, will not be forgotten that easily.
You've lost a lot of people's trust and respect, and simply stating that you want to start with a blank slate isn't going to get any of that back. In fact I'm not even sure you'd get far with a sincere apology.


Your not wrong, when trust is broken once you have to somewhat question every other instance in which trust was involved. Its 1000x harder to gain trust than too lose it, and when you lose it once, you can never be looked at the same regardless of your record going forward.

And act as if nothing major happened, and we would mindlessly be ok with it... I was expecting an "Ok We Suck... We Suck" reply like in the last Tek video

In regards to this, the only correct course of action I can see, moving forward, is for @wendell to post the logs of who did what, during that time period.

To prevent either party from shouting "he/she did it and blamed it on me!" etc.

As both @Logan and @wendell have said in the past, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant"


and make sure we deliver for the patrons.

I'm not a Patreon of Teksyndicate, nor will I ever be following your lack of management and behavior in general. I'm not sure why Teksyndicate's Patreon page hasn't been frozen for lack of follow through, authenticity. So just say "make sure we deliver for the patrons" is a little bit of an understatement. Those individuals are partly reasonable for why you are able to eat everyday. You owe them a lot more than just an apology.

I’ll be honest, the way I’ve handled things was lame for the last few days

If I'm honest I'm not sure when I've ever seen you lead this community well.

I really care about the community a lot, despite what the trolls say. I want to do more community events like Lan Syndicate. I want to meet more of you and I want to keep creating content for everyone.

You don't have much creditability to stand on at the moment. Even if you do wish to host more community events and bring the community back together what exactly are your motives? solely financial? because you actually care about the community?

To put it bluntly if you don't intend on producing material to backup what you say here, then you should step back from the community and hire someone capable of managing a business and community.

Side note: If you do not like having shit thrown in your face by your own community then please do a better job at both keeping business politics out of the public eye while also maintaining transparency and keeping your personal affairs with whomever out of all content, because let's be honest, you haven't done a good job especially with the latter.


This kind of shit is what is important, for this community and all other communities and society in general.

Difficult questions being asked, what we need is honest answers to our questions, and equally difficult questions in response to our own questions.

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In the end, I don't even know where Logan would fit in going forward...Logan has always said himself that he is a "big picture" kind of guy, but the "big picture" kind of mentality is not why most are here I can imagine. Most are here to figure out the details of how to get things done, things that Wendell and Qain excel at. Most are here to dive deep into the topics that we as a tech community care about, and Wendell was always the person that had the actual picture of what was going on and not the slanted, exaggerated version that Logan always seems to present. Right now, there's just no reason for me to keep coming back to Tek Syndicate.

If Logan is able to find people who are great at the details of figuring things out and keeping discussions grounded and on track, then I may keep watching. Getting people to take over the minutia of business management I'm sure will help, but I question where the ideas and the follow-through of said ideas will come from. My prediction is that this will eventually become a hipster-feeling indie gaming channel with who I know is left.



One of the reason Qain in particular has my loyalty, was that he took time out of his day, to ask me to make a thread about a networking issue I had in school, and then responded to that thread, all about a completely noob issue.

That speaks volumes to me. The same way that NickLMG on the LTT forums reached out to me to offer me his, and the entire LMG staffs condolences about my mother passing.

It's little, but powerful interactions like that, that really inspire loyalty amongst community members. Qain could be spending his time making a fuck ton of money in the IT industry (at least from my point of view), but instead he took a couple of hours to help out a complete fucking noob. That will stay with me forever.


Tekxit !


@Logan I genuinely hope this post is because you want to communicate and not just to tell us how to feel again, that would make a lot of us feel better.


I think what most of the community want from the split, is for Wendell to handle the forum and Tek Linux.
You don't have to leave the community and never return, just hand it off to Wendell and you can still move the Tek syndicate channel move in the direction you want.
Wendell has some really cool project idea for the community so him handling it would make sense, if you really love the community, then this is the best thing for it.