Poll Syndicate

Vroom vroom mother***ers


I’m not really sure of the context, but for me day-to-day is personal vehicle all the time. I have a 40-mile round-trip to work, so bike is not feasible. Also, there’s no public transportation in the country.

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I went to london and had to use public transit. God, I felt so fucking trapped.


the tube is the worse, especially around 08:00-09:30, but Taxi’s just get clogged in traffic

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Victoria line in rush hour is nice and toasty.

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I used to live on a bus route to work, wasn’t too bad.

I moved and now it’s too inconvenient

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Getting to arbitrary points in the 'burbs; car.
Getting from the station outside my house to another station down-town; public transit.

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You should specify what bike you mean.

I ain’t pedaling shit.


Yeah, I should have put motor infront of Bike, instead of just using bicycle for the other.

Hey ho

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You know you can make your own flavored vape right? Just get some tobacco leaves and combine your own juices. Now get our of here with your organic juice nonsense. It’s also cheaper.

Are consoles like the Classic Mini NES/SNES, PS Classic, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Mini a valid alternative or would you prefer the original consoles? Disregarding the hassle with scarce availability and scalpers, and also if you can use your own cartridges (like with the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Mini) or need to hack the console to add more games yourself.

  • Original
  • Classic Mini
  • Emulators on PC/Retropie
  • Don’t care about them

0 voters

I love original, but emulation is just handy considering the scalping for certain games, I modded my 3ds to play a lot of my childhood games and I dont regret it, emulation can only take you so far and sometimes the original hardware is just a magical experience. I still play my gamecube to this day and I have at least 42 games to buy for it lol

however I did get the genesis mini because it has way moer games than the others and it was cheaper, got it for like $55 USD on sale

No surprise. Have you looked at some of the games? Looks like quantity over quality just to get the numbers up. Which isn’t even necessary with the Genesis Mini cause you can use actual cartridges and play the old games. But that’s one huge thing it has over the NES/SNES Mini and PS Classic. Being able to use the old cartridges/discs on the new mini consoles would also make the prices for the original ones drop cause you don’t need to hunt down a working original console that’s not overpriced and/or filthy af.
But yeah, some games are overpriced af. No surprise, they’re out of print.

I don’t know what the situation for Sony’s consoles is (last I checked they liked to sell them as collections per series for the current gen at the time) I also don’t know if you can play games purchase from the online store on new consoles with your account (like, you buy PS1 games on the PS3, can you play them on the PS4 too?).
But the eShop for the Nintendo Switch seems to not have a single virtual console game. Or can you play the virtual console games you bought for the Wii U on the Switch?
Yet they don’t understand why people use emulators to play their old games. There are more emulators for Nintendo systems out than any other system.

While there are limits, backwards compatibility is underrated and the lack of it allows companies to sell you the same games again just a bit more polished looking (unless they screw it up and make them worse; I think Prince of Persia or Tomb Raider collection for the PS3 had shitty audio).

There seem to be at least 3 versions of it. Mini, Flashback and Classic. The Flashback is the one with wireless controllers (that takes batteries instead of a soldered/proprietary battery) and the feature to use original cartridges. I’d say they did good compared to Nintendo’s short (NES) cables with proprietary plugs (NES/SNES).
Not really a Sega fan, but they won this.

I actually like the majority of the games on it, people will always complain but I cant because each game has been pretty fun. Also yeah backwards compatibility is so under rated, its why I got a 3ds to play multiple systems, ps2 to play ps1 and ps2, gamecube to play GC and Gameboy games, and my 360 that also plays OG xbox games. as for new gen emulation its a scam imo; look at the wii virtual console being unusable since they took down the servers.

Yep I got the Mini which is the more official one, the others are really bad emulators. the only thing I can complain about is that some audio has a faint lag to it but it doesnt bother me

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Oh, definitely. Even if they get what they asked for.
“We want the old games remastered for the current gen!”
Games are released in a modern way (Like Yooka-Laylee)
“No no no! Now they’re just like the rest of the crap that’s being released nowadays. We want the OLD feeling.”
Games are remastered like 1:1 copies (Like the recent Crash Bandicoot collection)
“Well, that’s not how I remember the games. You fucked up!”

Then you got one heck of a deal.
I’ve seen a hands-on of the Sega Mega Drive Flashback and all the games that aren’t the known “classics” were looking like some simple homebrew projects.

Ruggedized Android Phones, are they worth it?

  • Absolute trash, never worth it
  • Some models are good
  • Treating budget phones as disposable is a better value; buy a few and expect them to break
  • I love my rugged phone!

0 voters

  • Communism
  • Fascism
  • Capitalism
  • Feudalism
  • Tribalism
  • Science

0 voters

Fascism is the way of the enlightened scientist.


honestly my mindset barely fits in those, only ones that are somewhat similar to me is capitalism and science but only a small aspect of them.


  • Bolognese
  • Vegetable
  • Mushrooms

0 voters

Its up to U what I would eat…
Fuck it, I need to cook if I am to eat something other than chocolate cake tonight… I will just mix everything and whatever happens…