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What do you want to accomplish? I’m not sure to what extent you can script privacy controls.

If you’re really concerned about privacy, I’d recommend running Linux or a BSD for your OS, a pi-hole for DNS, ublock origin in browser, DuckDuckGo for search and completely avoid Google.

Other than deploying the pi-hole, idk how much of a role scripts can play.

If security is the underlying concern, then that’s a different story. I recommend taking a look at the breakdown of the DISA STIG from OpenSCAP (RHEL-centric, but translatable to any *nix for the most part):


Also, integrating the Spamhaus drop lists into your gateway appliance is nice if you have the infrastructure for it (pfsense or whatever).



Memory module script for today.

Find which dimms are installed in which slots. Shows serial and model numbers. Tab delimited.


Does anyone use the projects feature in Github?

Have used it, not currently using it because at work we have other means and my personal projects are mostly on gitlab for one and have not been getting much attention anyway these days

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It’s basically a scrum/agile kanban board /shrug

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I’m back from a very exhausting work trip.

I put together a diy keyboard which will be my short term daily driver and long term mac keyboard.

I’m taking the opportunity to tighten up my typing.

Trying to go all in on the correct finger placements. I’m using this site to practice. Been happy with it so far. I have cracked 100 wpm now but am usually fluctuating between 60s and 80s. My right pinky finger is especially under-trained and the P key is the most problematic for me followed by the C because I’m in the habit of hitting it with my index finger and not the middle finger.

Curious how many people here type with 100% correct finger placement.


Always wondered how this would shake out. I wonder how long before bash just isn’t included at all.

Eagerly awaiting CentOS 8…

I’m thinking of giving myself a challenge to start a test environment with the first release of 8 and keep it going until CentOS 9 comes out. It will be interesting to see what (if anything) breaks along the way.

I’m mainly interested in maintaining a small oVirt cluster, ansible tower and an IPA domain. I think those together constitute a formidable IT backbone. Maybe we can throw OpenShift in there as well…


ZSH is objectively superior to bash.

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What’s the learning curve if I switch?

macOS has shipped with zsh for a while though not set as the default. It’s also the default shell in FreeNAS now. I’ve been using zsh for quite a while as my personal preferred shell.

There is no learning curve, but there is this: https://ohmyz.sh/


Oh wow, so it looks like newer bash things all work with the same syntax in zsh. I was expecting some differences. Associative arrays work as well as weird bashy things like "${0##*/}". I’m definitely switching.

I will not miss csh.

Dem 3rd party themes too https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins#themes

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My home Unifi network is shitting the bed for me rn.


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How is it shitting the bed?


Usual Mongodb corruption I think. I got it back up but cloud key is hung so need to restore from backup.

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Yea I gave up on my original cloud key. Went to a vm.

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The only place I have one is at home.

Have you messed with the new one? Supposed to be a lot better.

I have not. Being honest after moving into new place and spending about 2500 bucks in unifi equipment ( 5 cameras,nvr, 3 AP lites, 8 port 150w switch and cloud key) I am done buying new equipment unless something fails.

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I’m putting one in a new install soon. I’ll post about it here.