[Official] L1Techs KVM FAQ -- Ultimate Guide & Help!

I am using a 10 foot and 6 foot version of the following

How do I determine if display stream compression is active?

Thereā€™s no indicator, DSC is just turned on automatically when itā€™s needed. Some monitors have a setting where you can choose, but thatā€™s not super common. For 4K, 120Hz is the limit. So 120Hz might struggle because itā€™s trying to run full bandwidth, whereas 4K 144Hz or 240Hz will be working since DSC is on. Thatā€™s why I was wondering about 120Hz.

But yeah Iā€™m skeptical of your cabling if 1440p is struggling. The KVM should be handling up to 4K 120Hz without DSC.

this is asking a lot of the kvm; is why in the faq it says that you should think of it as one long signal corridor. hence your gpu now sees one 16foot cable. swap one or both of those for fibbr brand fiber optic dp cables? then length limits dont really apply

I also see 3.5mm jacks at the back. Can I plug in to that and connect 3.5mm cables from the KVM to each PC? would that work?

is it possible to trade in my current dual monitor 4 PC 5G KVM for the 10G model? I figure not but I thought Iā€™d ask anyway. KVM is pretty new - purchased in April

Email (wendell at level1techs dot com) to ask if heā€™s willing to do that. He is currently out of office so he might be delayed responding.

Yes :slight_smile: so your sound will go between PCs as itā€™s switched. You can have headphones in the output aux jack, or, USB audio dacs are compatible.

Thanks, I emailed him! Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

I am assuming I can also connect my desktop speakers to that too?

Yup! as long as itā€™s in the aux out or a USB DAC :slight_smile:

I just realized you said dual monitor 4 PC. Iā€™m sorry we actually donā€™t have a 10gb version of the dual monitor 4 PC x( You might could ask about swapping to a smaller KVM that is 10gb.

Didnā€™t Wendell say above that it is coming soon in August?

Oh so they are lol I was thinking at the moment theyā€™re not available.

they are in stock now

ā€¦ though the next batch will be more than +$50 over the 5g version. That was a mistake on our partā€¦ but too late now.

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Oh! Good to know!

Any response on this, @wendell? TIA

ā€¦ Will be Tuesday before I have a chance to take a look ā€¦

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no worries, thanks. will look forward to your response then.

Are firmware updates possible on these? If so, would a feature like a key combo to reconnect/refresh the display connections be possible? Two of my 3 connected computers require TB to DP connections which tend to be hella flakey when it comes to waking up. Having a key combo that would force the connection to disconnect for a few moments without connecting to a different device then reconnect would be handy. Ideally leaving the USB connected so thereā€™s no chain of USB disconnect/reconnect noises.

It primarily manifests at 4k/144 HDR in different weird ways. On the Mac it just ignores that the monitor is even there, even if I unplug the cable at any connection point until I switch inputs. On the work laptop it manifests as either acting like the display is there but displaying nothing, or displaying everything with a grayish tint in HDR mode. Either way the ā€œfixā€ is to cycle to a different input and back a few times but that leads to lots of USB noises and lots of disappointment on the part of the other computer I switch to thinking itā€™s finally their turn to get used again, only to have the displays ripped away from them, leaving them feeling impotent and unloved.a

Does this model support displayport over usbc? I want to run this KVM with an M1 Mac Studio and two 144hz monitors. One is 1440p the other is 1080p. The second computer is a standard desktop running a 6900xt.

I have an Advantage 360 Pro running ZMK that I use in wired mode for bios/linux access.

I also have a razer Naga left-handed gaming mouse and a Gameball trackball. Will this of peripherals work correctly with this model?

It does not unfortunately. The USB-C ports you see on this kvm are data only.

We only have the 2 PC 1 Monitor USB-C KVM. As of right now this is the only KVM with DisplayPort over USB-C support.


We will be selling a combo USB-C and DisplayPort KVM for setups that use a mix of the two. So you will be able to have a DisplayPort PC & USB-C MAC :smiley:

Ahhh, how soon are we talking because thatā€™s my exact use case, and I just purchased the DisplayPort 10Gb version :sweat:

Also, what is the need for the bidirectional USB-C ā†’ DisplayPort when connecting to a Mac from the DP version of the KVM? I purchased the 2 computer 2 display version with 10gig and will be connecting it to my desktop PC and Macbook Pro.

Alright Iā€™ll be keeping a look out for the new model then. Thank you for the clarification.