[Official] Devember 2021, Welcome!

My devember project is to create a server and client for listening to audiobooks with the ability to keep track of position in the audiobook across devices.


form post Linux Admin class Final Project

I am an IT student that has a final group project do for Linux Admin class.
I am hosting a server for my group to do the project easier than if we had our own VMs.
ps Yes this is lame but this is a good change to learn Linode hosting


My goal is to create a FUSE mount client for Tahoe-LAFS, a decentralized networked filesystem.


Been wanting to work on (AND FINISH) something interesting on my free time for a while now but haven’t had the driver or motivation to do it, with this year’s Devember I hope I’ll get something done.


Forum Post: Devember 2021 - Quick Music Sampler - Development / Code - Level1Techs Forums

Just a regular guy who enjoys coding and trying to escape my current grind.

App Objective: Speed up the process of sampling new music and creating playlists.

Will post website link when up.


My topic: A web based real time view of amateur radio communications

I recently got my amateur radio licence and would like to expand my radio radio by combining my interest in digital modes and skills in programming.

My demo page: https://m1.x0r.uk/digiradio-v/
My github: https://github.com/x0r9/digiradio-v
L1 Dev Blog: Digiradio-V

My project is to build a simple digital station that will have a web portal showing what packet radio stations I have picked up on. Think of it as a raspberry pi wired up to a modernish radio rig.

It’s like a more personalised version of aprs.fi but could run just locally when using radios when portable and without an internet connection.


So for aprs.fi I suggest you grab the data you want and use the OpenStreetMaps API.

Let’s goooo! :fire:

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If anyone wants to be fancy, I found out you can embed html badges of your pipeline status onto the forum. It should update in real time but I think a page refresh would be needed because I don’t think the forum constantly reloads images in the background.

I.E Here is my pipeline from my self hosted GitLab.

Repo Branch Status
devember2021-ui master Gitlab pipeline status (self-hosted)
devember2021-api master Gitlab pipeline status (self-hosted)


Another one signing on, thread’s been up for a few weeks though. :kissing:

Forum Post: [Devember 2021] Architecting a TTA Processor Core

Digital hardware design guy here, the goal of this one is to design and build a hardware demonstration of a simple 16-bit processor core. It’s been one of those pet project ideas that I’d never gotten around to putting on paper until now.

Time’s gonna be tight to get a PCB spun up and delivered, but I think I can pull it off.


Forum post : [Devember 2021] GTK4 Connect 4 app using radio button and rust

Attempting first Devember. Hopefully it goes well.

(will update more info as I myself discover it)

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Got bored and decided to facilitate XNO (Nano) donations online.

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I’m making a soundboard with an (hopefully) improved user interface. Trying to learn WASAPI and CI/CD while working on it.

The project’s gitlab link is in the OP of its forum thread:

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Working on a game I’ve been prototyping. Really enjoying learning how to write shaders right now.

Goal: See how much progress I can make this December.

Project post: [Devember 2021] a space project | overly ambitous space game


I’m going to build something to check if my deployed helm charts can be updated.

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I made it long winded and official. The RPG character maker is now… a thing I must do. Also got official permission from the rest of the team.

Project post: [Devember 2021] RPG Character Sheet web application

And for those of you scrolling this far down, here’s an image of my programming buddy, Archimedes. Enjoy.


My Devember project will be to build an automation to build several versions of the Blender bpy module (ideally something like bpy-lts-full, bpy-lts-lite, bpy-nightly-full, bpy-nightly-lite) and automatically upload them to pypi.org.

Forum Post Link: [Devember 2021] Blender bpy module CI build automation

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Day 1 of Devember lets go! :fire:


I’m back again for Devember! Oh, it already started a month ago…
I’m not sure how much I will commit to this, as I my main project right now is 3D printing related, but I have set some low goals which I intend to get done and then I might do more if there is time:

Basically I just want to get my feet wet with compression algorithms.


Hi shall give this a go, got a small idea of something interesting (maybe) to build

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