[Official] 2021 L1 Devember Minecraft Server! Vanilla Survival + Build Contest

Is this still up? I keep getting;
Connecting to the server > logging in > encrypting > joining world > ReadTimeoutException: Null

@sprouts87 pillagers attacked your town, a few villagers died and all the iron golems, I replaced the golems


Is the server dead?

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worst bit is no one saw the new map art :smiley:

I was on a couple weeks ago so I might have seen it

its was Kreestuh, the thumbnail from winners video.


Server was up about 2-3 days ago
Haven’t had the energy/time to work on shadow mose island


indeed it is, @sent_to_dev_null will be happy.


@wendell @kreestuh
Server has been down again for weeks now. Can you guys please give remote access to @SgtAwesomesauce so he can give me a copy of the worlds(2020 and 2021) as the server(or the connection that is used to make it public) is broken more often than not.
Thank you very much.

Some of my claims act kinda like Time bombs as i hold hostile mobs hostage and without playing on the server the claims might expire and might cause destruction.


No one let me know it died again, it’s been “on” so I’ll restart it in a sec to get it back online

It’s probably the tunnel.

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as @SgtAwesomesauce said, it is probably not the minecraft server(software) it self but the connection to the Internet.

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I have no idea how the connection is setup exactly(i heard it is done with netcat) but it seems to break relatively often. My main goal is to get the worlds so i don’t even have to bother anyone after that anymore.I than can put the files on my web server and provide an option for the players to download the world archive without relying on the server being up and running.


it says its up now but I dont have a mc client toc heck

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yeah works now, thank you

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I have only ever restarted anything 3 times, so, not so bad for so many months of neglect.

so let me know next time it dies

It seems to break more often than the 2020 server. I always waited a few week to report it because i didn’t wanted to bother anyone cause gaming isn’t the main thing of L1 apart from twitch streaming.

Also did get @SgtAwesomesauce access or is anyone else working on providing the players with a world archive?

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literally. only restarted 3 times. beyond that was probably internal minecraft stuff.