Nvidia Geforce stream, RTX 3000 inbound!

I have been thinking. The features Nvidia announced, are odly familar.

AMD Nvidia Note
Anti-Lag Reflex
HBCC RTX IO Does this ever make sense?
Image Sharpening Freestyle Sharpening
ReLive Broadcast AMD has Chromakeying, Nvidia has “AI”
Chill ?
Boost ? Dynamic Resolution

Don’t think these are comparable.


Don’t nVidia have an image sharpening thing too, not DLSS which as you point out is totally different.

My bad, fixed.

Not that I know off.

And all of a sudden people are going to be using these features and thanking Nvidia for innovating to create them.


I thought the same thing, I was like hold up didnt amd feature similar things with navi’s launch and Linus reviewed them with all those rows of PCs? Turns out I was right.

Freestyle sharpening?


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Oh, you noticed the parallel? No wonder they don’t get along. Neither innovate and they can’t steal ideas from each other.


What GPU are you using right now?

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Looks like VirtualLink is dead. Was really looking forward to getting a 3080 with one on it…

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Then again, wasn’t it a bit redundant looking at what USB-C (or Thunderbolt 3) can do?

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On the link below you can see now some of the prices for RTX 3000 series

For the rest of the world the prices might be lower.

In Norway they already added discounts for 3000 series:
13% for 3080 Asus TUF cards
12% for 3090 Asus TUF cards

Yikes, €960 equivelant for a strix 3080… Nope

750 though seems more regular which is… Okay I guess.

Okay seems to just be an ASUS thing. They are charging WAY over the odds for their cards. 3090’s are 17000 NOK average which is about €1600 which is not far off what they said they would be. But ASUS are 20000 which is near enough €2000. Crazy people.

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