No Man's Sky: Disastrous Launch

18 quintillion planets, lots of space for hate.

Lets not mince words,
hyper drive is basically just a loading screen

Has someone ever actually attempted to slow fly the shortest possible distance?

Because in Eve online instead of making a jump you can actually slow fly from Zone to Zone

Yea there was a planet that only took me 15 minutes to get there, then I found out about pressing "A" and "D" activates the hyper drive...

Pulse engine.

for those with poor performance try following

set to borderless
set fps limit to unlimited.
disable vsync
change AA type to OFF or SMAA-4x (FXAA is shit, and performance is very bad on it - it favors nvidia.)

(and run drm-free version from gog)

i've seen this have enormous impact on performance.

See im torn
I love steam.
But I wanna support drm free methods...

you can connect your gog account with steam. The games that are present in your steam and are available on gog will be in your gog account.

Oh rly?

If I were to buy it,
Should I buy via steam first
Or gog to do this link thing?

on gog to support gog.

And then gog issues a steam key?

thats up to steam.

Well, to have the game available on both steam and gog,
What are the steps I should take?

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More up-to-date News:

From the devs to help improve performance (kind of a joke):


I love seeing that.
It's basically saying
hey do you meet the system requirements?
And then you think to yourself
mother f***** I have a titan...

Are you sure you have the latest driver?

And those guys probably haven't because why should they, they have a titan.

I have the strongest engine in the world why the hell do I need a good transmission?

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