New Zen leaks?

All they are going to do here is show some guy running a game on a Zen CPU. Guaranteed we don't see anything else. Certainly not price.

i wish i could get jazzed about AMD, but i don't know. they seem mired in "meh", for me.

Probably yeah. But any info directly from AMD is good

well thats part of a catch 22(assuming no money had changed hands) that they dont make games to support more than 4 threads probably because people dont buy machines with more than 4 threads, on ps3 hey were already pushing like 6-7 threads? on ps4/xbox1 all sudden every game pretty much uses 6.

its not that the games cant, its they dont put in the work. example(ps4/xbox1) both have jaguar cores at not more than 2 ghz, considering the benchmarks/tests of people running say an a10-4655m vs a similar clocked jaguar 'kabini' chips its pretty much a wash in ipc lol, some tasks faster on one some on the other, versus piledriver, is similar to a 83xx with no l3 at ~1.8ghz. they just dont optimize at all for max performance just for performance on an i5 basically lol. thats why 6950x cant even beat a 4770k.

meanwhile example tasks for a cluster: physics simulations like the kind that brought about the need for the creation of the concept of darkmatter/dark energy because upon trying to do all the math for the entire known universe(or somethin) there wasnt enough weight the rate at which things are expanding is actually increasing etc, ai like ibm's watson, graphics like render farms, 3d modeling ray/path tracing

i mean there are literally some games where you can just modify an .ini or some other configuration file and tell the game to use more threads and instantly speed the game up, would not be surprised if the majority of games were deliberately designed to not use more than 4 threads

not saying a certain blue team is paying money again, but if they were designing games to work with the lowest common denominator you end up with 4 threads aswell

Games not optimized for more than 4 thread? That so 2010. You guys surf with internet explorer? :D

Battlefield 3 from 2011 (multiplayer with 64 players) and crysis 3 from 2012 are the first one that started to show advantage of 8 thread (i7) cpu over 4 thread cpu (i5), and fx 8350 over i5's. There are more and more games every day (especially in this year) that are almost hammering 8 thread cpu, with engines that can scale to like 12 or 16 threads.

Like this fresh example

Cities Skylines for example is maxing out my cheap ass quad core cpu... I'd love to see the Pentium guys playing Cities with only 2 cores...

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but thats only some games not every game, example, how many entire benchmarking suites have an i3 easily beating out an 8350, when if you look at any highly threaded application 8350 will compete with the i5.

until its every game the reviewers can just cherry pick titles to make whatever they want look faster, and the mass majority being the lazy, thats the advice they will take/will be spouted as gospel.

i know all this and thats not what im talking about. im saying a 4core cpu running a game that uses 4 cores and the os + background task like anti virus will not run the game quite as well as a 6 core running the game on 4 and the os and background task on the other 2, assuming all cores are equal and going up from 4-6 doesnt get you shared cache or heat problems or whatever.

yeah but usually speed decreases :x.

sauy the amd 6 core was pushing 3.4-3.6/3.8turbo compared to intels 4/4.2 quads just not gonna compete at all in single threaded

basically they have to be willing to take the hit on single to have the better multi like with the 2011 platform

Skylanes are more IPC/clock bound not so many in cores (like three is enough, you have many tests with that game and cores with youtuber science studio)

True for average, but every year less and less, like this year (gears of war 4, mafia 3, watch dogs 2 etc.) i3's are not near in picture with fx 83xx

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yea :x if only had happened like 3-5 years ago though XD.

AMD AM4 X370 Zen Motherboard Preview Coming December 13th At New Horizon Event

We’ve just learned that AMD is planning to show some of its high-end AM4 X370 motherboards for Zen In ten days. This will take place at the exclusive Zen hands-on preview event that the company announced a couple of days ago called New Horizon.

WCCFtech has learned that a small number of board makers will be showing some of their Zen compatible motherboards based on the X370 chipset and the AM4 socket at the event for the very first time on December 13th. We’ve also heard some whispers which suggest that the event could also include a showcase of new AM4 compatible CPU coolers.

< interested to see how the motherboard works since its 'soc' but isnt like

this am1 board, there is that 'chipset' if you wanna call it that, but theres also pcie3 and usb3/3.1 on the processor substrate atleast if not on die. does it use a fsb or does it just use the pcie? to connect to that 'chip' i guess.

eitherway would still assume more around fm2 prices(for production atleast) then the 990fx where has the south bridge and the chipset, and usb3 controllers etc.

New article up.
Mostly about new AMD patents and trying to tie it together with previous leaks. I thought it was a good read.

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Review of engeenering sample (lower clocks) in French magazine (or should I say preview)

AMD Ryzen Review Leaked – Aggregate Performance 46% Faster Than FX-8370 with 93 Watt Power Consumption

Looks like it will deliver

In the French magazine there was a binary easter egg that translates to "ZenOC@Air=5G". Buildzoid (from Actually Hardcore Overclocking) has had access to an engineering sample of zen and says that 5GHz could be doable on a suicide run, but he felt too uncomfortable to share what he feels is a safe daily OC. Link here:

The chatter from overclockers that actually have the chip at hand (ES mind you) seems to be that ~4 GHz is possible as an every day OC. Get lucky in the lottery and you might have a 4.4 chip. All I've seen so far points to 5 GHz to be very much a pipe dream. Yeah sure one core at 5 for how long? Not an every day OC for sure. Canard PC did comment that it was only one core that reached that OC.

Edit: Sure I would love to be wrong. Good IPC and high clocks would be fantastic. But it has been kinda impossible so far.

Keep in mind that if this is even true, it's just an Engineering Sample. They're usually much more problematic than the new chips. I try not to get excited about what the ES has to show.

Yeah, nothing real yet. And no motherboards. The stated reason for not trying more than one core was worries about stressing the MB VRM.

Hopefully there will be real third-party benchmarks soon.

AMD is jumping from 28nm to 16nm so a 40% increase in performance is on the low side considering zen is a whole new architecture. another thing to note is that zen supposedly has a prediction algorithm so a benchmark will likely get faster the longer it runs. that said I'm pretty sure intel cpu's will prove to be faster at multi-tasking. then again amd should have put it's R&D into moving away from silicone giving them a 10+ year architecture instead of a 4 year one.