New Zen leaks?


All Zen's will overclock for sure, over bclk in worst case, but nobody from AMD told that all of them will be unlocked (I hope they will be), it was just speculation. Not only phenoms, but more recent FM platform apu had locked and unlocked version

Because stock cooler was crap (for that TDP). It doesn't mean it is for OC
Many called out on AMD for stock coolers, and they just decided to solve that problem, and just made best stock coolers to date.

only one i know of that doesnt have a model for oc is the desktop carrizo chip but, based on previous assumptions about the 28nm(and why theres none of those arch/refreshes on am3+ with 28nm) that the carrizo was even more designed specifically for low power probably, being the highest bin laptop version only loses 100mhz turbo and 500mhz base at 35w compared to the 95w desktop variant unless they are just saying 95 when its really like 45-60 that thing must clock like straight dog shit lol least to me might be the reason why not offer an unlocked version if its already brickwalling that hard, where tdp go up to 150-200w or something if you tried to push 200more mhz

not sure if the fm2 chips are relatable though since those are their low end platform where the zen is their high end, where the most recent high end where the 9xxx and refresh 8370(e) etc that were all clockable

but either way, they havent stated they would all oc, but i havent seen them state that any would be locked either, but from the table with the pricing id have to assume that they will all be unlocked, but it could be fabricated so who knows, would assume they would launch a unlocked version of the quad and six core though which leads me to lean towards them all being unlocked as none of the leaks have shown 6 skus

but like most the other stuff until they announce something or a more sources collaborate the previous stories just speculation

Actually AM3+ FX were exception. Majority AMD cpu don't have unlocked multiplier... Like on fm platforms - only K parts have unlocked multipler...

Yeah, the Bulldozer/Piledriver chips were really an exception. Unlocked multi etc was good, but performance wasn't. If ZEN really has that good IPC, I really don't expect it to clock very well. Certainly not the eight-cores with that low base clock. 4 GHz would be a very good overclock on such a chip I think. I don't expect them to clock much more. Four cores will probably clock a bit better, but I still expect them to be behind Intel. I would love to be wrong of course.

nah mean if theres only 4 sku's then that would make me lean to them being like fx where just all are unlocked, as they usually launch an unlocked except for the desktop carrizo(least since piledriver)

which would mean 6 models, not 4 is what i would execpt if they were gonna do locked/unlocked, as wouldnt make any sense to only have the most expensive model 8 core be unlocked, or to have only the low model 8 core be locked but everything else unlocked, since not having a 4/6 core thats unlocked will definitely hurt them in their more normal price ranges especially since these are the replacements for the fx lineup not the fm lineup which bristol, and then raven ridge are the replacements for

No man, you have wrong perception, not only one carizzo, majority don't have unlocked multipler.

Like this fm2 list

Only 11 out of 27 cpu's and apu's have unlocked multipler.


3 out of 22 have unlocked multipler

On fm2+ there is probably more K parts because of many kaveri revisions (godavari) and the newer thing

13 out of 22 fm2+ are unlocked

Majority of phenoms, athlons also don't have unlocked multipler... Like I said, FX on AM3+ are really exception

We don't really know how many models will be. Rumors say 4 for now, I would agree that they probably be unlocked then, but we just don't know. I wouldn't be surprise for 6 cpu models (apu excluded), two 4c8t (one locked, and one unlocked), and same for 6c12t, 8c16t...

Other option (less probable), because OC potential for Zen will probably be crappy, that stock clock is set near peak and locked and only one model with best silicon (flagship) comes unlocked for show off...

basically just saying if the 4 is true id assume all are unlocked, or there should be atleast 6 models as this is the performance lineup not the replacement for low end like beema/mullins laptops low end oem desktop stuff etc. would expect raven/bristol ridge to have the more models for the low power 35-65w whatever chips, the 15-35 laptop, 5-15 whatever netbook/tablet whatever embedded shit. if they do only the halo 8 core is unlocked going to completely drop the launch possibly even harder than fx

I agree. It would make sense now to do a "test run" on the current CPUs to see what people think of Wraith, but I also like what @Throbbing_Coil said about AMD just needing a new good stock cooler.

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Good news, and look legit

Overclocker Delids AMD AM4 CPU

Bit information is it bristol ridge or Zen is very importaint, because one is 28nm and other 14nm

Is that the kind of solder they used before or some kind of liquid metal? The source is the guys FB, the sentence in Korean is hard to understand when run though google translate.

I would guess it is Bristol Ridge, there have been some of those about.

This upcoming CES is going to be very good

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Summer of '17... Dual Zen boards !!!!

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The boards where shown a couple month back at an event. Pcper covered it

those were dual naples pretty sure being the quad channel

Same here. I have a i7 4770k but I might go zen just for ddr4 and whatnot. I also do a lot of BOINC stuff.

Sweet! I'm looking into dual-socket boards, I'd like to see what comes of xen before I pull the trigger on a 2690 system.

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We don't have to wait until CES...

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these will be atleast 1600$ a shot(the 32core) based on abudabi 16c pricing lol

napples/zepplin whatever they wanna call it is the replacement for the g34 platform(s)

edit: as in besides the motherboard ram and cooling solutions, probbaly between 3200-14k$ based on intel shipping 22cores for 7k or whatever

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for the argument "you only need 4 cores for gaming if the game can not use more then 4" i would like to mention that the operating system and other background task do in fact take up cpu resources. if you have 2 or more unused cores then they could take care of the os and background task which would not have a huge impact, but it would be something. and for some people, the tiny impact of that extra two cores is worth spending a extra 20% or whatever.