Linux and the RTX Cards

Is it a desktop? If you don’t need your Intel GPU, you shouldn’t use the hybrid driver.

man that sucks with ubuntu based distros i just clicks check box and if i want more up to date, i add a repo and then recheck and click the check box for the newest drivers.

Yeah, it’s a desktop. I’m not sure if I can just turn off the intel gpu in the uefi? Because of the way that manjaro searches for drivers? I’m not sure there. Maybe there is a better way. Currently the Nouveau drivers are working fine. But I know that the nvidia drivers will give me much better performance. Since these are pretty stuttery thus far.

Just because you have an Intel GPU doesn’t mean the drivers are in any way related to Nvidia, unless it’s a laptop.

On a desktop, you just install the Nvidia drivers.

I’m not super familiar with how Manjaro does it, but if there’s an option for just the Nvidia drivers, go for that one.

So…Uhh. Yeah, fixed it using this tutorial. For anyone else that has this problem: linuxconfig org/ how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-manjaro-18-linux

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