Just Do It Challenge: Revival Edition

That would be cool, and very helpful for people who are conscious about their privacy.

Please tell me how this went, I started my RAID0 4 yrs ago this month on Linux, I think I’ve forgotten how to do it !

Everything on my always minimalist and often retro website.
Built with Slackware-64 Linux 14.2, apache, html5, css, php, MariaDB, cgi-bin [GNU/gcc toolchain (gcc/g++/gfortran), clang, GNU Cobol, Perl 5] JS, shell scripts (mostly bash), and probably some other stuff I’ve forgotten I used. I haven’t forgotten Python (2.7.16 & 3.7.2) which is what I automate tweeting out my github feed with.


I still have not got it right. I know now that you can’t boot from an LVM. I am going to try to set up the boot as normal and build a RAID above that.

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Does going to the gym in almost a decade count?



Digging the retro.

Speaking of website, I just rolled out a new feature to my site, where it pull’s from Discord’s REST API and I can see who is online and their status. Lots of people just embed the iframe widget, I went a little extra :wink:



Nice. Why not sort and group by Status? Could put online, away and offline in three rows side-by-side. Would make better use of the space while needing less scrolling, and providing a better grasp on who’s on and off…


Thanks! Unfortunately, they don’t give me people’s ranks or permissions only their status.

Discord counts people online who are running the software despite the fact they are either idle or DnD.

But I like what you said about the grouping by Status. If you want you could file that under a feature enhancement on the gitlab page :smiley:

Hmm, but you are showing the Status with a dot… Is that provided as part of the “Avatar” without any other information attached? I never looked at the discord API to be honest.

Actually the status with the dot isn’t provided I did that by hand xD


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I did it.

Recording quality sucks because I suck at that part 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ


anyone participating that I haven’t added to the OP? Been busy outside the forum recently.

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This may be down to Soundcloud, but to me it sounds good. (Scarlett 2i4 2nd to AKG-712Pro)

Regarding recording, how do you currently do it?

Audacity and my blue snowball lol

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I’d say that is more than good enough.

it would be if I had any knowledge on how to properly use audacity

Got bored again and decided to quickly bang out a simple console CRUD app as a proof of concept afterhought in Python 2.7 . . .

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This morning’s contribution

As promised: Zszywany's adventures with software development


I’m in my element now! Broke down car - check. August heat trying to kill me again - check. Hurricane at sea - check. F#%^s given - none.

That hurricane was very good to me (Mathew, not Helms).

In any event, it’s do or die time with the transmission replacement. Perhaps a little of column A and column B. Few things could make me happier. Here’s a part of what’s going on so far:

Trans Replacement Blog (Now w/pics!)