šŸ§ It's Official. 2020 IS The Year of Linux on the Desktop

āœ“ Install #OpenZFS on #Windows
āœ“ Install #WSL2 Ubuntu
āœ“ Access ZFS cmds from Ubuntu
āœ“ Mount ZFS dataset in both
Loving that I can run the zpool.exe from Linux, I can probably run the zfstester without porting.


Cocaineā€™s a helluva drug.


Yeah, youā€™re definitely doing some crazy shit here.

Approved, roll it out to the prod environment.


This is illegal

Iā€™m calling the police


I threw up in my mouth a little

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One of the funniest things i saw on the Bill Gates Documentary on netflix was the fact the he uses white boards!!! NO MS tablet coffee table, or laser pointer touch projector.

Just a white board.

Then on his March 2020 TEDTalk, does a quick ad for teams by divulging that he is getting ā€œused to itā€ ie. he never used it in the first place.

Thats been the joke for ever. Its a trigger thread title. Even I did it.

If you consider Chromebooks its starting to get there. Our only hope is in the future kids will start to realize that they can scrap google spyware off them on install linux.

Generationally, the next is always more tech savvy than the last.

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You know bill gates left Microsoft almost a decade and a half ago right?

Back when Office 2003 was current and electronic whiteboards (as in traditional style whiteboards you could print a copy off) were pretty new?

A LOT has changed. ThinkPad gets the same battery life as Windows with Ubuntu, POP!_OS, Debian, BTW I Use Arch. I get 2.4 or 5 band with my internal Intel card. Bluetooth headphones and Bluetooth keyboard, 0 issues as well.

Iā€™ve also connected to corporate WiFi and Firefox generally opens immediately for authentication. Then WiFi goes on as usual. I really recommend trying it again to update your perspective.

I get that youā€™re bought into the Apple system, but they are poopy heads. There, I said it.

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The wifi issues I have been having with the intel 3168 chip have been total fuckup.

As in firmware + driver incompatibility with the shipping stuff in fedora for example causing drops if you do anything serious with it. Like sayā€¦ download a file or browse the web. Card shits the bed and needs to be disabled and re-enabled. Works perfectly when it works, total clusterfuck when thereā€™s a firmware vs. driver regression. For months. Then it gets fixed until someone either run the firmware or driver team fuck the other team over and it breaks again.

But yeah thereā€™s also software I ā€œneedā€ a Mac for. I do my accounts in Banktivity and thereā€™s simply nothing anywhere near even close in terms of functionality in Linux. Its easy and convenient enough for me to actually use and thatā€™s helped me get my finances sorted out so the cost of a Mac to run that basically pays for itself. :slight_smile:

Lol breh, donā€™t ever talk about me or my best friend Windows ever again.

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It has been my experience (I have had only 4 months experience) it depends on your equipment. On my desktop, it runs reasonably well, since I found a workaround for my shutdown and reboot issues. I probably could fix Kububuntu, so I wouldnā€™t need the workaround, but I am Lazy, and I donā€™t know how to customize Grub. I suppose someday I will have to fix it.

This doesnā€™t solve any of my problems.

Windows update sucks and breaks stuff regularly and the fact that it takes over your computer I find unacceptable.

I know that some donā€™t care about telemetry and it doesnā€™t bother me as long as what is being shared is acceptable. Microsoftā€™s guidelines on telemetry is so vague that I donā€™t trust it at all.

Windows security is terrible. All the backwards compatibility makes it even worse, I know some companies sees it as a feature but I donā€™t.

Itā€™s too bloated. It needs to be more modular. Install what you want and leave the rest. X function breaks, reinstall x and not 50% of whole OS.

Basically I would need Windows to be Linux. WSL installs Linux next to Windows, I need Windows to change. WSL is good for some and is a compromise that helps them when they are locked into a ecosystem they donā€™t want to be in the first place. Itā€™s a step for some but doesnā€™t make windows any better.

If this is Microsoft trying to abandon Windows as it is one step at a time then I embrace it as I think windows canā€™t be saved. Needs to be redone from scratch.


Bro you know this thread is a joke, right?

He literally pinned Linux to his desktop. Therefore itā€™s the year of the Linux desktop. Because Linux is on his desktop.

Itā€™s just a joke.


I missed that joke, but it had some good info in it. Lmao


We can make it a useful thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Did you know you can edit files remotely?

vim scp://

Just authenticate and boom.


Oh, thatā€™s neat. I didnā€™t know.

Never again will I ssh in to edit a config file.


Couldnā€™t wait any longer for May update.
Enrolled my machine for insider program, downloading 2004 right now :penguin:

Update went smooth as butter :butter:
Debian with exposed filesystem is up an running!

:windows: :heart: :debian:


Is there anything special regarding WSL in 2004 update?


No going to give up on Linux OS, been using and loving it as a server environment for 10+ years. But Linux desktopā€¦ came really close this week after it died twice. Had a very strong urge to order a pair of SSD to do a fresh install of Windows 10. In comparison, my storage PC also running off commodity hardware had been running non-stop since RHEL8 betaā€¦ OK non-stop was a lie, my toddler turned it off a few of times playing with the power button when I wasnā€™t looking :sweat_smile:

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