Installing/Setting up DD-WRT on Linksys router

No it doesn't have to be I just thought that was his end goal. So did not think about it but if you left Zyxel alone and turn DHCP off on linksys it would then only act as an access point and DHCP would be handled by Zyxel.
Zyxel in regular mode not bridge.

To be honest I don't know what the final goal is as I don't think it was stated?

I thought the first objective was just to get something working so he can get wan access and learn from there.

Found this to explain using the basic lan dhcp but he will need to read between the lines a bit and the last half covers using a dedicated modem which would be the best long term solution imho.

Well Grim let us know where ya get or if there is a certain setup style you want to run and we can help further from there.

Here's some info on how you can get your Zen internet connection details here go down to the "internet connection details" section and it shows where to view the password.

Apologies, it was QEMM who said it. I got it mixed up.

I just want a router with Open source firmware on it that I can update on regular basis. I don't really care what it is as long as I have better security and control over the device. For example I want to block dozens of M$ domains to stop Windows from phoning home. This is something I was not able to do on stock firmware.

Wouldn't this defeat the whole point of the thread? If I leave Zyxel in regular mode I more vulnerable to cracking/exploits and backdoor/whatever. If it was possible I wouldn't use the Zyxel at all but can't because Linksys doesn't have biult-in modem.

That's not a problem. ISP have sent all the details to me in a mail. So I don't need to go into that portal.

If you want to remove the Zyxel from your network then you could look at getting something like this Draytek Vigor130 modem.

Using your Linksys in dhcp through the Zyxel wouldn be a pita but it would get things working. Anything connecting through the Linksys would be as secure as you configured it to be. It would simply be using the Zyxel as a gateway. If you need to portforward things would get interesting and you would need to create rules on each device. It would be a bit messy pretty quickly and far from ideal, especially if your networking knowledge is limited.

If you have spare funds getting a dedicated modem is the way to go and you wont regret it - I know I didn't. My connection speed also improved a bit as well which was an added bonus.

Alright so again I don't mind helping but I don't have much work with openwrt. If you do what I said with it running on Zyxel in regular mode and linksys in ap mode which is basically DHCP off. Then I would think you could go through telnet/ssh connection and get the ppoe packages installed on linksys. Then once you have done that put Zyxel in bridge mode and hook openwrt up to one of its LAN ports and I believe the linksys will use the wan port. Type in your account credentials under ppoe settings and you should have a running connection with possibly a few more steps of other configurations. Please someone with more knowledge of openwrt jump in and maybe help with details. Also grim use Google as best you can to learn how to obtain/use openwrt packages. Forums are great no doubt about it but the power of the old Google search bar you can learn tons. Reply back with where you get or of you hit a brick wall and we will go from there.

so basically you download the pppoe on a flash drive,mount it and use the command
opkg install /the-ipk-packagefile.ipk

openwrt is the reason i got interested into networking and made it my major

Even better let us know how it turns out. I assume the router has a USB port?

maybe i meant gentoo

There is little point in merely uninstalling OpenWrt, what you actually want to do, is to replace OpenWrt with the original firmware.

So I have to download the stock firmware and flash it from OpenWrt?

EDIT: I have the Linksys stock firmware now. I just need to flash it.

@DeusQain to the rescue!

Update: It actually doesn't work for me and I don't know why....


I managed to restore Linksys back to factory firmware. Funny thing is that it remembered all the changes I made previously. I think it has multiple partitions and it just switches between them everytime I flash.

Now I have to flash again to DD-WRT so that @sanfordvdev can lead the blind man.

EDIT: I don't like Qains' videos too much. He doesn't really explain anything. Just flies through it and expects everyone will understand from get go.

Okay I managed to flash Linksys to DD-WRT and I must say it is lot easier to use then openWRT.

so did you get it running like you wanted?

Not yet, when i put the Zyxel into bridge mode do I leave DHCP enabled on Linksys?

Yes. You need to run a DHCP server on your router. As when its in bridge mode its just connecting --bridging-- two different networks together. with different subnets, et cetera.

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I am up and running now. Zyxel in bridge and Linksys with DD-WRT is online. However there is a problem, when i connect the VPN it's really slow. Down from 28Mb/s to 10M/bs

Can you help me to set it up correctly so that I have the best possible speed and no obvious holes in the ddwrt. Also I need to configure the wifi so that other people can connect.

For example there are some settings which I don't know what they do. Wireless mode, channel etc...