If we got an old RV, would you watch us turn it into the Qain Train

late to the conversation, but the answer is: very

Also, I'd be expecting some Qain's Word or other video with a Winnebago Man spoof :D


Oh yeah.. Very aware.

As for the back-log of videos, most of them just need a little TLC, and some dedication. As for the office, it's being contracted out for the construction, and it's well underway.

The "New Office" video that was released, was filmed quite some time ago.

We've been busy filming and grabbing sets of video to compile together when the office is done being constructed.

As far as this project. It's all in the brainstorming and planning stage. It may come to a point where it's decided that it's not worth the time or effort, in which case, no loss on our part.

This is a rather big project. It will be really awesome putting it together. Doing all the work myself is not likely to happen, I know many people and businesses that can handle a lot of the work.

Getting proper carpenters and mechanics to bring it all up to spec.


New idea. Instead if an rv, get one of these:

Or these:

Y'all got some debbie downers 'round here.
An awesome project for sure. I'd watch this develop with a keen interest.
Really getting this accomplished in a modest budget is more about modest expectations than anything else.

One of the biggest obstacles is powering any amount of equipment is a challenge.
I've worked on a couple of "mobile office rigs." None of them were intended to be operated while in motion as they used mostly standard rack hardware. They both relied on power supplied at the site or via a tiny ~1kw Honda generators. I say Honda specifically cause they're about the only brand that considers noise as a concern. Even with them once the size gets too big so does the noise level.

One way to do it would be using the ideas already cooked up by the CarPC crowd. PicoPSUs and DC to DC power supplies etc. Most of the original CarPCs used terribly low powered VIA cpus which could easily be supplanted by modern Intel Atoms if not Core i3s, etc. Not powerhouses for sure but if you kept your infrastructure modest(how exciting) its manageable. Things like pfsense might sound like the way to go but actual routers might use less wattage.
Ideas along the lines of using low powered equipment while in motion and more robust things when parked for the afternoon/evening/weekend. Shoot all the video you want while moving. Render/backup/upload when plugged into mains. So equipment expectations should meet in the middle with workflow adjustment.

Other options are using laptops with car adapters, although I've never seen a car adapter for anything more interesting than a Durabook.
That'd get old fast for editing video I suppose.

There's folks that'd recommmend covering the roof with solar panals. Neat, but not reliable enough for a power budget. Only pursue if you've got money left in the budget and all your other needs are met well.

I've other thoughts and considerations but I'm running out the door.
Will have more input later if any are interested.

Also one more thing, you don't want anything that moves and is located overhead in a vehicle. That's a recipe for head injury and broken equipment.

I would watch this. You could make it a mobile studio.

Personally think this whole idea is freaking awesome.

Reasons include Tek episodes on the move, conventions, meetups, LAN days. Also would like you to add a Tek approved 'bug out' bag for the RV.. You know, so when Skynet happens everyone can all meet in the nevada desert in Tek-RV's and build a resistance.

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You're not the first to do something like this- the Linux guys over at Jupiter Broadcasting already have an RV, and the main guy (Chris) actually lives in it right now I think. If you want some ideas, he's in the Seattle area I think, and I think it would be awesome if y'all worked together- maybe he would let you do some awesome stuff to his RV as long as you don't poison things with Windows...

Maybe with a little help from Fred Williamson for the dirty stuff and Elon Musk for the shiny bits Tek Syndicate can pull this off. Here is a tutorial. Watch everything that Fred does very carefully, then do the opposite.

I love Dirt Every Day and never miss an episode.

Something like this would be an amazing way to travel and meet members of the community face to face. I hope some of these plans end up coming to fruition. Cool brainstorming guys!

Would love to see it, but I worry. You have to make sure that it is in decent shape if you are going to be putting money and time into it, otherwise you will end up with a lot of wasted time, effort, and cash, only to get a giant paper weight. You also need to make sure that you have insurance beefy enough to cover anything that might be in the mothership. Basically, I would only keep expendable things on there, let it get robbed, stolen, wrecked, driven into a lake, etc. Watching you guys travel around in a tekked out (play on decked out, maybe it worked, maybe not) rv/bus would be awesome, but it could also end in disaster.

few things to take into consideration for the power plant of the RV. build a new 5.9 24valve cummons turbo and pair it with a semi used alison transmission thats either a 6 speed or 5 speed for ideal mpg.and most of all have a desole generator of at least 1Kw/hr "the ones used on semi trucks half the time" while getting either a used old style school bus or a late 80's 30" rv. once things are more set in stone the RV will take shape. and also add a world map for viewers to see where they hail from that get in the list from either live streams and or video's.

P/S. i'm kinda of a truck nutt and i know where to get most of the parts online to build such an RV and have a ball park of a budget. 50K USD will be about the base of the RV and more after that if you wanted to use all new parts/ after market

Nice idea for a mobile command centre! Slightly related, here's Presidential candidate Voltan Istvan building his coffin shaped "Immortality Bus":

Pretty sure he wanted to stay around $20,000. If they somehow raise a shit ton more then your idea would be worth checking out.

RV's are like boats. Endless money pits.

It can still be cheaper than a house

Sure if you live in it but in time it will be broken a the land a house is on will be worth a lot more house a side. Houses go up in value over time boats and RV's dont.

Hell YES! It would be very neat. It's just going to need a lot of planning and finalization to go about this in the best way without just throwing a ton of money into it.

Not always, the real estate bubble pops. I think there's going to be a huge real estate pop in San Francisco.

Im talking time like in decades not a few years. Bubbles happen all the time there are what 7 billion fools running around doing all sorts of mad things.

I think you are missing the purpose of all of this.

That's ok. I appreciate your constructive criticism.

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