If we got an old RV, would you watch us turn it into the Qain Train

I've decided, this will be officially known as a Case mod!

I haven't decided what case we will start with.



No problem....I want a mothership too...

that 50k is mostly the engine and power train lol.. the RV will be much much less than that

Forget the RV you need this ...

... and you can store some motorbikes and other small transportation on it for use when you hit land.

Would start the whole boat train in "Snow Crash"


i've always wanted my own tekboat...

I think you should consider getting an RV with a fully functional drive train and making modifications around that. A bio-diesel conversion is a great idea on paper when concerned about fuel efficiency, but ambitious in practice. Not to mention everything that could go wrong and suddenly get very expensive when working on an RV from the "free" section on craigslist.

Mechanical things aside, I'm very interested in what you have planned for the tech going into this project. A mobile studio? Mobile LAN party? If the logistics for either of those things are worked out, then you would have created something no one else has. And to me, that's always worth dreaming about.

Also, mobile drone deployment. Imagine you're stuck in gridlock traffic, have a drone emerge from the top of the RV to scout ahead. You could make a remote operated hatch for a box on top of the RV, presumably next to the satellite.

As to your question of will I watch it? Fuck yes.


The idea spawned from the free section of craigslist, we are not looking at actually GETTING a free RV from craigslist.


Ohhh. That's probably a good thing. If it free, then something is wrong. I think this could be a great project.

I would be honored to donate time and maybe some spare cash to get this shit rolling. Just name the time and place.

Oh damn I've got those same headphones.

Yeah, I'd love to see build vlogs. I've watched Van Dwelling videos and this one is kinda sick.


Yes, a thousand times yes, but I still vote for battleship.

Or any other kind of warship.

i think a pirate ship with the Tek logo on the black flag.

Warship suck living on just saying since I have done it.

Also requires a large crew just on the engineering and operations side.

Chris does live in it. He's got a really cool setup going on in it. He's based in Seattle currently, so while IRL interaction probably wouldn't be needed for this sort of thing, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a drive. @DeusQain definitely consult Chris when this gets to the point where you're ready to make it happen. (twitter: @ChrisLAS)

Yeah they suck living on when filled with people screaming at you and telling you what to do.

But a privately owned warship staffed entirely by nerds? Turn it into a giant mobile E-sports arena or something.

No a warship is not designed for comfort. Components are added in first and personnel space is considered afterwards. I have slept with high pressure air check valves over my bed. And torpedoes below me. Bunks are shared because their isn't enough. The clearence from bed to ceiling is about 3ft. And you would need a very large crew to man the engine room and coms alone.

If you ran the thing like a pleasure boat it will catch on fire and you would die.

Getting a ship designed for comfort makes way more sense.

id watch it

If you can't find a case in Damnation Alley...

(Nuke proof, weaponized, amphibious, micro-air filtration, Geiger counter, fuzzy dice, and HAM radio as standard equipment.)

maybe you would be willing to settle for an old ('73-'78) GMC?

I think it is still is one of the coolest looking RV's ever made. The only RV that wasn't a "Penalty Box". I love the big windows and the low belt line. It's kind of like the Queen Mother of all Pacers, but in a good way. Being a GMC it should be easy to service and they made a ton of them. The body is fiberglass so they don't rust. It uses a front wheel drive Oldsmobile Toronado 455 drivetrain. I bet it sucks major gas, so bio-diesel may be a good idea if possible.


I saw a beater for $5K, but the nice ones start around $18K.