IcyDock m.2 PCIe hotswap adapater giveaway

Kernel development. Swap different test images to verify hardware compatibility.

My computer is in my homelab rack. This would it soooo much easier to get to (don’t have rails.)

Audio production and the need for hot swap storage as large audio files pile up

I would like to use it as a computer on a stick. I do have multiple machines but I want to run only one os installation across them, so to be able to carry my complete OS in a easily swappable nvme would be great

I would send it to my friend who hosts a jellyfin server.

Would be fun to try and use this as a test harness to benchmark nvme’s on different filesystems/OS combinations

Because my network is so slow, along with having an offsite backup at a mate’s place, I currently use hotswap sata to transfer large files (See: Sneakernet).
Upgrading from hotswap sata to nvme would be a huge quality of life improvement!

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I’d swap between gaming and and solidworks installs as required.

My motherboard has one Gen3 and one Gen2 M.2 slot, with this card I could banish my windows dual boot to another fast drive.

I have a bunch of small 120 gb m2 - would love to use these to OS hop when needed.

I am still on 10K and 15k SAS drive… I’d make this high availability for my ESXi server that does all my Folding at home and BOINC.

Now that is perfect to add the 2nd M.2 to my ATX motherboard (only 1 M.2 slot) for expanded data storage. a better solution than the USB to M.2 adapter I currently use.

Add more storage to be able to finally run pharos/tools/ooanalyzer at master · cmu-sei/pharos · GitHub on a Game I want to figure out.

Supporting rotating offsite backups, the performance supporting quick backups of the days work.

To add nvme storage to my spinning rust server.

That would be great to have! I’d love to not have to remove my GPU and chipset cooler to swap drives!

I’m looking for a new beehive - this could do.

I’d use it to easily swap out drives that people are questioning in their systems. Or as a way to swap out media in a nonconnected unit in a remote pool hut.

Would like to play around with creating iscsi on my truenas and create a nvme pool and play with different zfs setups.

All my servers are running proxmox. Top server is Intel Atom c3758 running pfSense and IOT sutff. Middle is Papa/Daughter gaming rig. Bottom is my epyc 7302P (80 TB spinning rust) truenas, nextcloud, homelab.


@wendell Can you share a bit more information about the “identical looking” Dilinker adapter. I’m having the link quality issue (correctable pcie errors) running a P5800X in the StarTek adapter. Yesterday, I ordered the Dilinker in attempt to fix the issue, but after your video I have doubts that that will work…

Which “identical looking” Dilinker would work? Alternatively, which U.2 cable would work with the Asus board + P5800X?

As for the giveaway, I’d use the hotswap adapted it in my workstation build as a way to quickly image laptops and to test lower end m2 drives as I work on my software. My last desktop build was a decade ago, first happy boot of this little monster was yesterday and I immediately compiled a thing that used to take 40 minutes on my laptop in roughly 2 minutes [sheds tear of joy] Work in progress: