I need help with Jellyfin and Truenas. I feel like an idiot

So Im really new with TrueNas Scale. I probably should have done a bit more research before diving in, but its just media that I already have in other locations, its just acting as a centralized source until the kincks are knocked out. Im having an issue where Jellyfin cannot either see some media it sometimes can, or cannot playback the media. I can play it back fine from the windows explorer menu, just not in the Jellyfin client. Idk what ive done wrong and its kind of overwhelming

I’m honestly really frustrated and about to switch unraid. But I don’t know if that will fix the issue. Truenas has just angered me too

I would try TrueNas core first before you switch to unraid. Unraid requires you to purchase a license if you are using over a certain amout of disks. TrueNas Scale is really Beta software. TrueNas core is based on FreeBSD which is very stable and does not act like beta software.

I might have an idea about your problem with jellyFin ,but I need to ask some questions to get an idea of what is going on. When you are having problem watching your movies are you using your tv’s JellyFin client? When JellyFin works are you watching your movies on the same computer that is running TrueNas Scale? Are you getting any error messages.

I may consider truenas core. I’m only running 4 storage devices. So I’m running them using Jellyfin on my main windows rig. When they for sure work it’s just using the file located on the truenas box, but it’s local VLC. Idk what’s causing it. They’re direct MkVs for the most part from MPEG2 DVDs. It’s frustrating how they work sometimes and not others. Sometimes it doesn’t even see the episodes if they are nested in season folders within the show title

To make sure we are on the same page let me adk a few more questions. Ok you have two devices one is a TrueNasNas box the other is your Windows PC, is that correct? Do you have a smart tv you could get the JellyFin app client on? How are the TrueNas box and the Windows PC connected, is it by switch, ethernet cable, or WiFi? Have you considered switching to Emby Server which JellyFin is a fork of?

I have a tv with Jellyfin, I have yet to try it on the problematic files though. Nas and PC are connected Via Ethernet to the Router. Not considered Emby as of yet

The files you are having trouble with are they in a different format then the ones that work? Sounds to me your problem is JellyFin can not read curtain file formats or it is a permission error. Have you tryed looking at JellyFin’s log when the problem happens?

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I cant parse the log personally. They are the same, its an MKV of I believe MPEG2 video. I then cut it by chapters using MktoolGuiVnx, and then put them in. Some times it would be episodes of the same file that wont work, for instance 27-33 is 1 source file. Only 29 works on the Jellyfin web player right now. they are all MPEG 2 files, not used handbrake at all

What library type is being used?

I sourced some music files that were mp4 and kept banging my head against the wall why they did not show in my music folder until I realized the files are “videos” to Jellyfin so the music library ignores the mp4 files. But they work fine in music videos library type.

Its under the Shows Library Type. I only have Video in my system rn (that jellyfin can see). Ive attached two logs, but idk what they say and Im sorry Im not much help, The pastebin logs are as follows (ZctQ2pAC) (we9pinSt). Theyre within 2-3 hrs of each other

Im watching on the TV app right now. Wouldnt load anything from that show, and when I was loading another it wouldnt display the subtitles that are involved in the MKV container. I think im just in over my head

I keep seeing permission denied in the ZctQ2pAC log file.

In TrueNAS Scale admin portal > Apps > “Settings” button (between Bulk Actions button and Launch Docker Image button) > Advanced Settings menu, is the “Enable Host Path Safety Checks” option unchecked?

Here are the settings!

Did you follow a guide during the Jellyfin setup?

If yes, was this the guide you followed for setting up Jellyfin in your TrueNAS Scale system?

Trying to figure out what your current settings/baseline is.

Yes I did! It broke yesterday and the pool went offline, but on return I didnt do the Cache/config restructure from the guide. I did do the recursive though, as my path is seen at the bottom of the finder window. (Bitsbox is renamed ‘Media’ in Jellyfin’s eyes. If theres folders inside the ones on screen sometimes it breaks (Couldnt see Season 2 or 3 of Castlevania despite the files being there today)

The only difference I remember from the guide was that when I was setting permisions for apps I had an ACL list instead of just the panel that was shown in the guide.

Jellyfin is really sensitive to folder structures and file names as the libraries are built from parsing the structure and file names.

It takes some getting used to figuring out how Jellyfin behaves and interprets stuff.

This is the documentation on the Shows Library type folder structure:

Stuff might not be showing up as Jellyfin may not be seeing the structure its expecting. And the structures change based on library type. You can rename/rearrange files and rescan the library and see if Jellyfin finds them. It definitely has taken me some trial and error to figure out the exact particulars (and I am still learning).

Here is an example folder structure that is working for me. Its not the only way, but naming the files and folders do matter for metadata as well as how Jellyfin organizes the files in the clients.

Hopefully this gets you in the right direction. If not, let us know!

This is what Im using right now. The biggest issue is that 27 is not playing but 29 is. But THese all work when I play it off there in VLC, just no longer in Jellyfin. Others tend to be done in Season format like. (This was the only one when transfered over in 3 Season Folders already it read immediately) idk what Ive done

If possible, within the web client, play the episode 27 that works for 30-60s. Then back to the menu and try the episode 29 that does not.

Then after a minute or two grab the Jellyfin log. Having the two tries back to back should hopefully get us better data.

(weYSnq2V) Heres the new Pastebin. Hopefully that helps!