Google confirms custom AMD GPU will power their upcoming game streaming service

Other game streaming services work fine these days too. Nvidia’s Gamestream is an excellent experience.

You don’t want to stream serious twitch games like Super Meat Boy or fighting games, where response times truly matter, but for stuff like Tomb Raider and whatnot they’re great.

This is gonna bring the hurt to Sony and Microsoft.

I have seen, read and heard (even on local radio) about how this is going to really disrupt the gaming world and be the next big thing…

…This could just be me being in a European country with half decent broadband internet (100down/20up) but this will just not work adequitly to be an enjoyable experience. And as such I don’t see this taking off AT ALL!

Don’t get me wrong, it would work here but it would be in no way consistent enough to play at a level that won’t just annoy the user. I expect this to be the experience in the vast majority of cases. It also has to overcome the common thought and reality of local gaming. If this falters, think buffering or input lag, even once it will be shunned in favour of having even a worse experience that is a known quantity.

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See, the reason is dedicated servers running HTML Message of the Days, and what are they often of? Malvertising.

There’s a setting to turn it off in Source Engine settings, and you can reject custom map material downloads in TF2.

In the keynote, did they say that 100 people could be playing the same game on the same serve at once? That woukd mean 50v50 games. :heart_eyes:

Xserver doesn’t support HDR, so it’s a proprietary Google Vulkan DRM doing the legwork, because Xserver can’t.

Great, even more entertainment crap cluttering the internet. If game developers would make good games, reasonably priced, with actual development of add-on packs that are worth spending time/money on, people would go out and buy them.

Am thankful that EU doesn’t allow for prioritization of packets, at least then we can all suffer equally. Consider, those of you in the US, where certain ISPs are known to prioritize packets depending on service. Think they would get just as good a ping as google fiber subscribers? After 5 years, if this is a success, there’d be a premium package where you’d be guaranteed a reasonable ping for premium $$$, just like other streaming services have done.

If google does something, it’s to either fill the bank or invade ones privacy under the presumption that everything will be better when you give in.

Now that Disney bought 21st Century Fox and they launch their streaming service, there’ll be even more competition. One thing they can do is offer 4K to the masses, goodbye bandwidth, lol.

What I don’t get is, Google must know that this won’t fly globally, not a chance, at least with a reasonable result for the end user. So what’s their endgame.

It’s not the dedicated gamer that’s the issue, they know what they want, it’s the parents that know they neglect their children, that in the end just rake things off the shelves in stores that says “Gaming something something dark side”. Just so they can see their offspring smile for 10 seconds, and then scurry into their room with curtains closed.

Noooo, Google would never do something like that. Unless of course they get caught doing it. Just like pulling data off a GPS that’s disabled for location data.

However, on the bright side. Great for AMD and Linux gaming, which is super.

Agree on that, but if X can run on top of it with OpenGL or Vulkan applications on top, anything can be made to run on it.
Maybe one could even use it to emulate EFI compatible gpu for qemu + port Mesa to win to use it… now I am dreaming.

Google has added a vulkan surface specifically for their purpose.

Games can draw directly to the stream, X is probably not even needed.


Thats the thing. Just open a render node and start rendering with drawing directly to the stream. No SR-IOV or VM needed. The only thing that SR-IOV could be useful for is to partition resources. But is MxGPU that flexible?
Wendell mentioned he has MxGPU card to play with. Cant wait for the video about it.

While I commend Google for taking a huge risk, I hope triple-A publishers don’t decide to release their games exclusively as a service. I want the option to run my games locally or as a service. While I agree with your statement partly, Setting up a game as an exclusive streaming service isn’t going to completely stop piracy, it will make it harder but Google isn’t completely safe from having its networks hacked. No company is completely hacked proof. Sure there are companies or governments that are harder to hack. I myself don’t have any hacking or piracy experience and I don’t condone any such activities. Anything can be hacked, it is just a matter if you want to put forth the effort needed to do it and are willing to accept the consequences. I myself don’t want to put forth the effort or accept the consequences.

if this takes off Linux will become one of the biggest gaming platforms. No passthrough BS, but games made using industry standard tools for Linux using Vulkan then streamed to the end user.
If nothing else it could boost traditional linux desktop support as Devs get used to using Linux / Vulkan whilst making games for Stadia.

Also DX12… :grin:

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So they are probably using Wayland?

I’ve heard Tizen definitely does, no idea if Android or other embedded Linux system use X, Wayland, or something custom.

I can imagine AAA game devs just putting their content on stadia and not on Linux proper or windows for that matter. :thinking: like they don’t allow for downloads anywhere or for the purchase of cds.

Probably, but then im hopeful that it will be seen as a more open platform ( like playstore ) where dev can upload publish games on eventually and do the same to other stores.
I also expect valve to roll out a similar platform using similar methods ( although with a full windows/DOS back catalogue using Proton/DXVK ) this i would use as a means to Demo new games for testing if i wanted to purchase and then download them to own for the native experience.
I think valve can really gain on the hype of this if they implement it correctly. It will also allow for Linux to technically play a lot more games if they build for cloud but offer a downloadable version.


How to ruin your sales 101

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Who is cited? I cited.

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You can get rid of your xbox :ok_hand:

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Nahhh way.